Prevent "Where is ASObjC Runner-N?" prompt?

I’ve written an application bundle that uses Shane Stanley’s terrific ASObjC Runner, embedded in the Resources folder of the bundle as ASObjC

When I first run the script on another machine, it asks me where ASObjC Runner-N is, even though I’ve followed this procedure as specified on Shane’s site:

using terms from application "ASObjC Runner" -- needed to compile script
 property runnerPath : ""
 -- get path to bundled copy, in this case directly in the Resources folder
 set runnerPath to (path to resource "ASObjC") as text
end using terms from

Is there any way to prevent that prompt from appearing? I don’t mind it for myself, but I want to distribute the script to other people who will be puzzled by this behavior.

Thanks for any help.

Try to edit the beginning this way :

using terms from application “ASObjC Runner” – needed to compile script
property runnerPath : “”
– get path to bundled copy, in this case directly in the Resources folder

set mySelf to path to me as text # ADDED
if runnerPath does not start with mySelf then set runnerPath to "" # ADDED
set runnerPath to (path to resource "ASObjC") as text

This way, if the hosting machine is not the one upon which the script was used once, the property runnerPath will be reset to a nil string and I assume that all will behave flawlessly.

I wish to ask a question to Shane which will certainly read this thread.

Is it normal that Script Editor freeze when we run the applet when the embedded script is open in the Editor ?
It’s not really annoying but I was surprised when I got this behavior.

Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 3 février 2014 19:14:23

That seems to work, Yvan. Thank you. Of course there is no way to suppress the prompt that says that ASObjC Runner-N was downloaded from the Internet, but users are familiar with that. Thank you again.

It shouldn’t happen, but I’ve had a few reports of the problem, so that’s no help. About the only thing I can suggest is that after you get runnerPath you tell the Finder or System Events to open file runnerPath. And let me know if that solves the problem.

Edit: Ah, I see Yvan has solved the problem already.

Yes, it is. When you pass a script object, it gets sent as a single Apple event. That makes it run faster, but it also makes things unresponsive for the duration.