preventing spindown

I need an Apple Script that will prevent an external hard disk from spinning down every ten minutes. I have only the slightest AppleScript knowledge (think chimpanzee), so I hope one of you good souls out there will get inspired and do all the work for me.

I should mention that said hard disk does not respond to Energy Saver settings, nor are there jumpers on the drive mechanism that I can reposition. The drive has been coded at the factory to spin down.

I guess you could write a stay-open app that writes a trivial file to the external drive (and immediately deletes it) every 9 minutes or so to ensure it stays active. This could be a 1-byte invisible file:


[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]

Absolutely perfect, and it works! You rule. Thank you.

Here’s another way:

tell application "Keychain Scripting"
	tell current keychain
		tell (some generic key whose name is "NoSpindown")
			set myPW to password
		end tell
	end tell
end tell
delay 1
	do shell script "sudo pmset -a spindown 60" password myPW with administrator privileges
	delay 1
	do shell script "sudo -k" -- timeout sudo ability
end try

Alternatively, you can just put your administrative password at myPW. I don’t know if spindown 0 is equivalent to never (as it is for screen dimming)