Print images PostScript level 3 in Quark 6.5

Hello, I need Aid.

When I use the commando “print document 1 OPI include images PostScript file” and I have an image in
PostScript Level 3, leaves a message to me in the QuarkXpress document that warns to me that I have images in PostScript level 3.

Desire to be able to ignore that message, so that it does not stop the
printing to me. As I can correct it?.


Hi Aviloria

Not sure what the message/dialog box looks like but you might be able to use something like this to just clear it:

tell application "System Events"
	tell application process "QuarkXPress"
		set frontmost to true
		keystroke return
	end tell
end tell

Not sure you would have to test it!!

Thanks, pidge1. the script is perfect.

what is the purpose of this dialog I always got a similar dialog in quark 4 if I used PS level 2 files but it never seemed to bother anything except my scripts so I had to account for that when scripting. quark seems to be very good a throw dialogs… argh love that quark