Printing an Image View

Not at my own computer, on a PC to post this, so please be kind.

I am utilising this sample code to print an Image View but have noted that the quality of the printed image is poor in relation to say iPhoto.

Am I misssing something. Can anyne help.

I load the image into the image view then tell the image view to print having adjusted it’s size to the desired widht & height.

on clicked theObject
   if name of theObject is "printButton" then
       set sharedPrintInfo to call method "sharedPrintInfo" of class "NSPrintInfo"

       (* The "36.0" parameter below refers to .5" in a 72dpi print/monitor environment *)
       call method "setLeftMargin:" of sharedPrintInfo with parameters {36.0}
       call method "setRightMargin:" of sharedPrintInfo with parameters {36.0}
       call method "setTopMargin:" of sharedPrintInfo with parameters {36.0}
       call method "setBottomMargin:" of sharedPrintInfo with parameters {36.0}
       tell image view "theImageView" of window "theWindow"
           call method "print:" of object it
       end tell
   end if
end clicked