Problem getting data cell content(s) of a data column of a table view


I want to get the displayed text of a table view column into a list.
The line

set theList to contents of every data cell of data rows of theDataSource

correctly gets all cells of all rows. But this

	set theList to contents of  data cell "theColumn" of data rows of theDataSource

returns an empty result – but the cells are not empty and the table view has been populated via theDataSource, so they data are there (the first attempt got them!).

Is there no better way than a) looping through the rows of the data source (“…contents of cell “the Column” of row N…”), or b) extracting the items from an contents-of-all-text-fields list (with a loop?)? Or am I stubbornly overlooking something essential?

Grateful for any hint, URL, Google search term, …


I had a column in the data source that was not displayed in the text. It held returns from an iTunes “get selection…”. Removing it made

 set ListFromColumn to contents of data cell "theColumn" of data rows of theDataSource 

work as expected. I don’t understand why it blocked getting cell contents of a single column, esp. when the column is referenced via its name. :frowning:

Anyway, I hope that saves someone in the same situation some agony :slight_smile:


 set ListFromColumn to contents of data cell "theColumn" of data rows of data source of table view ".." of scroll view...  

theDataSource – it is LIST of records
data source of object – it is real data source

Ah, Thanks! :slight_smile: