hello, i have a problem to count and choose events in ical
repeat with cetEvenementFerie in ((every event of calendrierJoursFeries) whose ((start date ≥ x1 and (start date ≤ x2))))
it count only events which don’t repeat
how to count every event ?
sorry for my poor english
Model: g4 mdd
Browser: Safari 417.9.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
Repeating events are different because their start date is still the original start date from the first time the event was entered. Then they have a “recurrence” string that tells iCal when to repeat the event, based on the original start date and the interval between repetitions.
You will have to get every event that has a recurrence string defined and add those to the ones you get with the script you already have.
Hope that helps.
(and your English is fine, we’re international-friendly here at MacScripter!
I have some repeating medical events (blood tests every 6 weeks) in addition to regular appointments (every 8 weeks for one thing and every 16 for another - Life in the fast late at age 69). This is how I recover that data, sort it, and present it with Growl, but you could present it any other way.
-- This script shows upcoming Medical or Dental appointments.
-- The script uses Growl to display the result.
set today to (current date)
set sDate to short date string of today as string
set wDay to weekday of today
-- Build the Medical List "MAppt" {name, date, name, date, ...}
tell application "iCal"
close window 1
set MCals to every calendar whose title contains "Medical"
set mCal to item 1 of MCals
set toGo to {}
-- Collect the date/name list as mdCal
set mCount to count events of mCal
set mdEvent to {}
set mdDate to {}
repeat with n from 1 to mCount
-- Get summary and start date of each [THIS IS THE PART THAT GETS THE REPEAT]
tell event n of mCal
set {anEvent, aDate} to {summary of it, start date of it}
if anEvent contains "(" then
set paren to offset of "(" in anEvent
set Rep to character (paren + 1) of anEvent
tell (Rep * weeks) to set aDate to today + (it - ((today - aDate) mod it))
end if
end tell
if ((aDate) - today) > 0 then
set end of mdEvent to anEvent
set end of mdDate to aDate
end if
end repeat
-- quit
end tell
-- Sort Events and Dates by date
Sort_items(mdDate, mdEvent)
-- set up the Growl notification
set r to return
set sp to space
set m to ASCII character 240
set msg to ""
repeat with k from 1 to count mdDate
set msg to (msg & r & m & sp & sp & item k of mdEvent & " on " & r & item k of mdDate as string) & r
end repeat
Growl_It("Medical & Dental Appointments" & return & " As of " & wDay & space & sDate & return & "-------------------------", msg)
--tell application "iCal" to quit
-- Handlers --
on Growl_It(gTitle, gMessage)
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
notify with name "MedDent" title gTitle description gMessage application name "MiCal" icon of application "iCal" with sticky
end tell
end Growl_It
to Sort_items(sortList, SecondList) -- an adaptation of a script by Kai
tell (count sortList) to repeat with i from (it - 1) to 1 by -1
set s to sortList's item i
set r to SecondList's item i
repeat with i from (i + 1) to it
tell sortList's item i to if s > it then
set sortList's item (i - 1) to it
set SecondList's item (i - 1) to SecondList's item i
set sortList's item (i - 1) to s
set SecondList's item (i - 1) to r
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if it is i and s > sortList's end then
set sortList's item it to s
set SecondList's item it to r
end if
end repeat
end Sort_items