Problem with FAX server script

Hi there,

i mam trying to create a fax server for work. It uses faxstf pro and a dropbox folder where you can drop a pdf with the faxnumber as filename. The first part i got working, i can get all the info I need for sending a fax.

But i have some problems with the faxstf part. I use the command create fax.

Command details:

create fax: Returns "true" if FAXstf can send a fax with these arguments.
	create fax  reference  -- the object for the command
		pdf file  Unicode text  -- The path to the pdf file that will be faxed.
		[send to name  Unicode text]  -- The name of the person you are faxing.
		[cover page message  Unicode text]  -- The cover page message to be used when sending a fax. Leave blank to if you don't want a cover page.
		fax phone number  Unicode text  -- The phone number to use when sending a fax.
		[cover page  Unicode text]  -- The name of the cover page template to be used when sending a fax.
		[send to home phone  Unicode text]  -- The Home phone of the person you are faxing.
		[page header  Unicode text]  -- The name of the page header template to be used when sending a fax.
		[send to address  Unicode text]  -- Address of the person you are faxing.
		[send to organization  Unicode text]  -- The name of the organization of the person you are faxing.
		[send to work phone  Unicode text]  -- The work phone of the person you are faxing.
	Result:   anything  -- the reply for the command

i figured out the pdf path and phone number but i can’t find out what i should use as reference.

Can anyone help me?


Unfortunately, I cannot help you with your question, but I was hoping you can help me with something, since you’re doing scripting with FaxSTF and I’m totally new to scriping. I need to get the log saved to a file, otherwise we cannot incorporate the faxes into our FileMaker database. Is there ay chance you can help me with that?


I already found out how to solve the problem. I found some example script for faxstf which got me started.

What you need to log? The output faxstf gives? Maybe that is saved to a file somewhere in the faxstf preference directory.

When i was searching the faxstf preferences folder i discovered a hidden folder. maybe worth trying to look there

I need to save the log as a file. They say, there is no actual log file, and I’d need one. The log gets generated in the application, and a human being needs to save it. I’d need to eliminate the human being. So, I’d need a script that would save the log file to a remote location once a day. I can save the incoming faxes, if I can find them, but not the log.

Any help is appreciated.
