Problem with "FLAC to iTunes" script

This is my first Applescript, written because I was unable to find a satisfactory solution to converting a folder of FLAC audio files to Apple Lossless or some other format (AAC, etc.)

The script works as designed when run from Script Editor. However, when I run it from the iTunes Applescript menu it fails with an “AppleEvent timed out” error during the conversion process (after selecting the code to import as). Attempts to add a statement “with timeout of (30 * 60) seconds” don’t do anything. I’m curious if anyone has an ideas.

“FLAC to iTunes”
written by Chris Runge

This AppleScript converts and imports a folder of FLAC ( audio files into iTunes.


  • /usr/local/bin/flac
  • /usr/local/bin/metaflac

To get these files do the following:
(1) Download “FLAC 1.1.2 for OS X (no installer)” from
(2) From the Terminal
(a) Unpack the archive, e.g.,
tar xvfz flac-1.1.2-osx-ppc.tar.gz
(b) Change to the folder that was unpacked, e.g.,
cd flac-1.1.2-osx-ppc
(c) Copy the flac and metaflac binaries to /usr/local/bin, e.g.,
sudo cp bin/* /usr/local/bin

v0.2 Dec 26 2005

  • add dialog when conversion is complete

v0.1 Dec 23 2005

  • initial release

set flacBinary to “/usr/local/bin/flac”
set metaflacBinary to “/usr/local/bin/metaflac”
set temporaryWav to POSIX path of (path to “temp” from user domain) & “decodedFlac.wav”

– prompt the user for the folder of FLAC files to convert and import
set flacFiles to {}
set flacFolder to choose folder with prompt “Choose the folder of FLAC files to import into iTunes.”
tell application “Finder” to set all_files to every file of entire contents of folder flacFolder whose name extension is “flac”
repeat with a_file in all_files
set end of flacFiles to (quoted form of POSIX path of (a_file as Unicode text))
end repeat

– prompt the user for the encoder to use when converting and importing the FLAC files
tell application “iTunes”

-- plural for dialog (taken from Doug's Applescripts)
set s to "s"
if (count of items in flacFiles) is 1 then set s to ""

set availableEncoders to name of every encoder

-- store the existing preferred encoder as found in iTunes Preferences
set preferredEncoder to name of current encoder

set myNewEncoder to (choose from list availableEncoders with prompt ¬
	"Convert track" & s & " using..." default items (preferredEncoder as list) ¬
	OK button name "OK" cancel button name ¬
	"Cancel" without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed) as string
if myNewEncoder is "false" then error number -128

set current encoder to encoder myNewEncoder

end tell

– process the folder of FLAC files, converting and importing each one
repeat with i from 1 to (count flacFiles)

set flacFile to (item i of the flacFiles)

-- extract metadata from the flac audio file
set trackArtist to do shell script metaflacBinary & " " & flacFile & " --show-tag=ARTIST | sed s/.*=//g"
set trackTitle to do shell script metaflacBinary & " " & flacFile & " --show-tag=TITLE | sed s/.*=//g"
set trackAlbum to do shell script metaflacBinary & " " & flacFile & " --show-tag=ALBUM | sed s/.*=//g"
set trackGenre to do shell script metaflacBinary & " " & flacFile & " --show-tag=GENRE | sed s/.*=//g"
set trackDate to do shell script metaflacBinary & " " & flacFile & " --show-tag=DATE | sed s/.*=//g"
set trackComment to do shell script metaflacBinary & " " & flacFile & " --show-tag=COMMENT | sed s/.*=//g"
set trackNumber to do shell script metaflacBinary & " " & flacFile & " --show-tag=TRACKNUMBER | sed s/.*=//g"

-- decode the flac audio file
do shell script flacBinary & " -d " & flacFile & " -o " & temporaryWav & " -f"
set ptemporaryWav to POSIX file temporaryWav

-- convert, import, and tag
tell application "iTunes"
	set newTrack to item 1 of (convert ptemporaryWav)
	set artist of newTrack to trackArtist
	set name of newTrack to trackTitle
	set album of newTrack to trackAlbum
	set genre of newTrack to trackGenre
	set year of newTrack to trackDate
	set comment of newTrack to trackComment
	set track number of newTrack to trackNumber
end tell

end repeat

tell application “iTunes”
– restore preferred encoder to iTunes Preferences
set current encoder to encoder preferredEncoder
display dialog “Finished!” buttons {“OK”} default button 1 with icon 1
end tell

Thanks. That did it. I still got the event timed out error, but this occurred after all of the files were successfully converted (I think because I didn’t click OK on the dialog that appears at the end; removing the dialog solved the problem).

I’m curious why this needs to run as an application since the other Applescripts I’ve copied into the iTunes script folder are scripts themselves.