Hi everyone,
I have successfully written a script that will restart gameranger and launch
a room. I have also successfully managed the email rules to run the script whe
a recipient types restart in the subject title. Here is the problem.
I need some script where if the game “ghost recon” is actually running, the script
quits and doesn’t proceed. Otherwise the applescript will restart a server that
didn’t need to be restarted. :?
here is what i have written so far
property theTicks : 200
selectMenuItem(“GameRanger”, 2, 1)
on selectMenuItem(appl, theMenu, menuItem)
tell application “GameRanger” to quit
tell application “Extra Suites”
ES pause theTicks
ES pause theTicks
ES pause theTicks
tell application “GameRanger” to activate
set mouseLoc to ES mouse location
ES move mouse {30, 15}
ES pause theTicks
ES click mouse
repeat theMenu times
ES type key “right arrow”
ES pause theTicks
end repeat
repeat menuItem times
ES type key “down arrow”
ES pause theTicks
end repeat
ES type key “return”
ES move mouse mouseLoc
ES type key “return”
ES pause theTicks
ES pause theTicks
ES pause theTicks
ES pause theTicks
tell application “Extra Suites”
ES pause theTicks
ES move mouse {720, 420}
ES click mouse
ES type key “return”
end tell
end tell
end selectMenuItem