Problem with iTunes ratings


Below is a script that was taken out of a book and tweaked slightly. For some reason, the ratings aren’t being displayed in iTunes. According to AppleScript, the songs are rated (as is evident when you click “Unrated”) but the stars don’t show! Please help.

on songRater()
	tell application "iTunes"
		set unratedSongs to every track of playlist "Library" whose rating is 0
		set allSongs to every track of playlist "Library"
		set whichSongs to the button returned of (display dialog "Do you want to rate all your songs or just the ones that haven't been rated yet?" buttons {"Cancel", "All songs", "Unrated"} default button 3)
		if whichSongs = "Unrated" then
			repeat with currentSong in unratedSongs
				play currentSong
				set currentName to the name of currentSong
				set currentArtist to the artist of currentSong
				set newRating to the text returned of (display dialog "Current song: " & currentName & return & "Artist: " & currentArtist & return & "Enter your rating (1-5):" default answer 3)
				set rating of currentSong to newRating
			end repeat
		else if whichSongs = "All songs" then
			repeat with currentSong in allSongs
				play currentSong
				set currentName to the name of currentSong
				set currentArtist to the artist of currentSong
				set newRating to the text returned of (display dialog "Current song: " & currentName & return & "Artist: " & currentArtist & return & "Enter your rating (1-5):" default answer 3)
				set rating of currentSong to newRating
			end repeat
		end if
		display dialog "All your songs are rated."
	end tell
end songRater


the value of the property rating is an integer.
One star represents 20 (⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎ = 100)

set newRating to the text returned of (display dialog "Current song: " & currentName & return & "Artist: " & currentArtist & return & "Enter your rating (1-5):" default answer 3) as integer
		set rating of currentSong to (newRating * 20)

Thanks so much.