Problem with Photoshop 7 script

Thanks for a great forum, sorry if I’m cross posting, I’ve failed to find an answer elsewhere…

Trying to:

tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
	save dennaBild in file minMalFil as JPEG with options minJPEG appending uppercase extension with copying without full size preview, icon preview, image previews, Mac OS thumbnail and Windows thumbnail 
end tell

I’m not getting any error but the, thumbnails are still there. The awkward order in the save line is auto-generated by Script Editor and not mine.
I’ve also tried including the class settings-object in the minJPEG option with:

set minJPEG to {{class:JPEG save options, quality:6, embed color profile:false},{class:settings, full size preview:false, icon preview:false, image previews:false, Mac OS thumbnail:false, Windows thumbnail:false}}

but it fails. (Sorry for the presumably bad scripting, I’m a new to this wonderful world of AS.)

What you are trying to set are Preferances for Photoshop, which are found in the Photoshop Suite:Class Settings-object. No need to script this feature, just go to Photoshop Preferences/File Handling and turn off the image previews.

Thanks a lot for the swift answer!

The issue is however, that on the machines that are going to be running this script, the common setting is with thumbnails etc. Anyhow these users must be able to mess with the preferences as they please.

It is true that the class settings-object is a Photoshop suite, I was misled by the extension option in save in the core suite, and the fact that I didn’t get any errors at all compiling it. (Rather the Script Editor helped filling it out)

But isn’t it possible to script it in an easy manner? Such as toggle it on-off for PS right before and after saving? What would then be the correct syntax? I’m trying to find out on my own as I’m posting this but Photoshop scripting is sparsely documented (to say the least…) No help to find at e.g.

Thanks again for taking your time reading this.

You’re after something like this:

tell application "Adobe Photoshop 7.0"
	tell settings
		set oldPrev to full size preview
		set oldIconPrev to icon preview
		set oldImagePrev to image previews
		set oldMacPrev to Mac OS thumbnail
		set oldWinPrev to Windows thumbnail
		set properties to {full size preview:false, icon preview:false, image previews:false, Mac OS thumbnail:false, Windows thumbnail:false}
	end tell
	save dennaBild in file minMalFil as JPEG with options {class:JPEG save options, quality:6, embed color profile:false}
	tell settings
		set properties to {full size preview:oldPrev, icon preview:oldIconPrev, image previews:oldImagePrev, Mac OS thumbnail:oldMacPrev, Windows thumbnail:oldWinPrev}
	end tell
end tell

Shane Stanley

Yes, Shane that’s not something but exactly what I’m after.
Thank you!

Just a note:
The class image previews isn’t boolean and should be set to yes, no or ask, like this:

set properties to {full size preview:false, icon preview:false, image previews:no, Mac OS thumbnail:false, Windows thumbnail:false}