I am having a problem with my code below. I need to be able to drop a selection of file and the droplet and have it take all of the “.” out of the file and replace with “_” and then add the extinision to the end of “.qxd”. It would be nice if it would accept file and folders, but I only have to have it work with files. Thank you in advance.
on open files2rename
tell application "Finder"
set FolderRef to FolderOfFiles as string
set FolderContents to files of folder FolderRefend tell
repeat with TheFile in FolderContents
set ThisFilesName to name of TheFile as string
set ThisFilesName to replace_chars(ThisFilesName, ".", "_")
set name of TheFile to ThisFilesName & ".qxd"
end repeat
display dialog "All filenames have been renamed"
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return this_text
end replace_chars
end open