G’day scripters
I’m using the following routine (lifted from these pages) to seperate out attachments embedded in rft formatted mail.
Trouble is, we received a lonnnnng email, full of ‘/’, that causes an ‘out of memory error’ on the ‘set mySource to source of thisMessage’. The error causes the script to become detached from the folder before the error trapping kicks in.
Is there any fix, please
repeat with thisMessage in the_messages
if (id of thisMessage & ".emlx" as string) is equal to thePrintName then
set selected messages of mess_viewer to (thisMessage as list)
display dialog (id of thisMessage & ".emlx" as string) & return & thePrintName
-- *** PRINTING ***
-- Routine to correct text when attachments embedded in rtf
set mySource to ""
set mySource to source of thisMessage
end try
if mySource contains "Content-Type" then
set myContentType to content of header "Content-Type" of thisMessage
set myContentType to ""
end if
if (myContentType contains "multipart/mixed;" or myContentType contains "multipart/alternative;") and (mySource contains "Content-Type: text/plain;") then
set myBoundary to item -1 of my textToList(myContentType, "boundary=")
if character 1 of myBoundary contains "\"" then set myBoundary to (characters 2 thru -2 of myBoundary) as Unicode text
set myParts to my textToList(mySource, myBoundary)
set myContent to ""
repeat with myPart in myParts
if myPart contains "Content-Type: text/plain;" then
set myContent to myContent & (my listToText(items 2 thru -2 of my textToList(myPart, ((ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 10))), ((ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 10))))
end if
end repeat
tell application "Mail" to set myContent to content of thisMessage
end if
on error TheError number errNum
set myContent to "Content preparation error"
set PrintError to "There is a problem with the routine preparing the Content: " & return & return & TheError & return & return
if WriteTheErrors then my WriteErrors(PrintError, errNum)
end try