Problem with Table Printing in Xcode 5 and OS 10.9


Xcode 5.0.1 and OS 10.9 make now troubles in my apps.
For printing a part of the window’s content I collected some elements (small textfields, small table views, a.s.o) in a box.
I bound the box view to a property and set it in the print handler. This worked up to now properly.
But now some elements in the print appear correctly except the table views. They are unordered and appear as a mirror image. I know this a view in a view, but that’s all.

How can I solve this problem? Does anyone have an idea?


on printMyView(theView)
		set sharedPrintInfo to current application's class "NSPrintInfo"'s sharedPrintInfo()
		sharedPrintInfo's setLeftMargin:{20.0}
		sharedPrintInfo's setRightMargin:{0.0}
		sharedPrintInfo's setTopMargin:{20.0}
		sharedPrintInfo's setBottomMargin:{10.0}
		sharedPrintInfo's setOrientation:0
		sharedPrintInfo's setHorizontalPagination:1
		sharedPrintInfo's setVerticalPagination:0
		sharedPrintInfo's setVerticallyCentered:true
		sharedPrintInfo's setHorizontallyCentered:true
		sharedPrintInfo's setScalingFactor:{0.8}
		set thePrintOp to current application's class "NSPrintOperation"'s printOperationWithView:theView printInfo:sharedPrintInfo
		thePrintOp's runOperation()
end printMyView

I don’t have any suggestions, I’m afraid. But there was an email to Apple’s Cocoa-dev mailing list this week complaining of the same problem. All I can suggest is that you log a bug with Apple, and hope it is fixed soon.