I am in the process of moving my scripts from OS 9.2.2. to OS 10.3. I am having trouble with my Quark Scripts (so far).
Did Quark or AS change the command to get text or “set story 1 of text box i to” alias? My script can’t get past this line?
set adListExport to (choose file with prompt �
"Choose the export for this section." of type {"TEXT"}) as text
--make new doc and pull filenames from ad run export
tell application "QuarkXPress"
make document at beginning with properties {page width:"51 p", page height:"66p", top margin:"3p", left margin:"3p", bottom margin:"3p", right margin:"3p", automatic text box:true}
tell document 1
if not (text box 1 exists) then
make text box at beginning with properties {bounds:{"3p", "3p", "60p", "48p"}}
set bounds of text box 1 to {"3p", "3p", "60p", "48p"}
end if
set story 1 to alias adListExport
tell story 1
repeat with i from 1 to (count of paragraphs)
set x to contents of paragraph i as text
set adRunList to (adRunList & x) as list
end repeat
end tell
close saving no
end tell
end tell
Brand new to AS in OS 10. Any help would be great.
Thank you,
OS 10.3
Quark 6.0
AS - not sure what version. How do I check?