Problems w/ NFS Mounted Volumes in Compiled Script only....

This one’s weird:

I have a script that accesses file path information from cellls stored in a FileMaker Pro database to process the contents of the specified folder.

tell application "Filemaker Pro"
set file_path to get data of cell "File Path" of current record of database "Submsissions"
end tell

open file_path

Usually the file path is on a remote drive. The script has worked for over a year now with Appletalk and Samba connections, but we are now switching over to NFS for our network protocol and the script doesn’t work. Whenever the script gets the point of

open file_path

…it throws up and error saying that “disk/file_path” can’t be found. Now here’s the really odd part. When I open the script inside of Script Editor it works fine. It’s only when the script is running as a compiled application that I run into problems. :? Any ideas on this one?

Is Applescript doing something differently with remote drives when a script is compiled rather than when it is actually run inside the editor?

Okay, I’m getting warmer, but still haven’t solved it. It appears that there are issues with aliases and NFS.

I did a test as follows:

set folder_test to choose folder

tell application "Finder"
open folder_test
end tell
-- this works

tell application "FileMaker Pro"
 set watch_folder to (get data of cell "Source Folder" of (current record of database "Filepaths")
end tell

tell application "Finder"
open folder_test as alias
end tell
-- When the script runs inside the Script Editor this works.
-- When the sript runs as a stand alone application this throws up an error saying 
--"File watch_folder as string wasn't found" 
-- (The full file path is displayed in this error, I've just coded it here for simplicity)

I should also point out that test_folder and watch_folder are the exact same path.

So, my initial problem still remains. Files that text paths can’t be coerced into alias in the body of the script if that alias resides on an NFS connection. The only conclusions I’m left with is that invoking a “choose folder” somehow “wakes up” the finder or Applescript so that it knows that the NFS server is available through the finder. Otherwise, it just craps out.

Anyone…please, I’m dyin here.

My first guess is:

a) the ‘get data of cell…’ command returns a string object

b) you’re essentially trying to ‘open ’

You might need to coerce the string into a file:

open file file_path

so that file_path gets coerced to a file before you try to open it.

No can do. Tried that already.

I also forgot to mention that the script worked perfectly when the path is all local or at least an AFP mounted drive, or SMB mounted drive. The problem only comes up with an NFS connection.