Process unread messages in Entourage

I am writing a script to process unread messages in a specific folder in Entourage…

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	set theFolders to folders
	repeat with i in theFolders
		if name of i is "FOLDERNAME" then
			set theMsgs to (messages of i whose read status is untouched)
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	if (count theMsgs) > 0 then
--do something
end if
end tell

…my problem is that the set theMsgs to (messages of i whose read status is untouched) line is taking too long to process. I’m guessing because the number of read messages in the folder is well over 3000. Is there a faster way to get a list of the unread messages in a folder so I can process them?