Producing Another Display Dialog After Giving Up

tell application "Finder"
	tell application "Finder"
		display dialog "This is the Display Dialog command.

Isn't it cool?" with title {"Title"} buttons {"Yes", "No", "Cancel"} cancel button 3 default button 3 default answer "" giving up after 10
	end tell
	if result = {gave up:true} then display dialog "Continue?"
end tell

Hi! This will likely be very simple. I’m trying to get this script to display another dialog box upon the result returned for the give up parameter. I thought nested tell block would work but apparently the information is not passing through to the next block. Suggestions?

Too many Finder tell blocks.

You have to capture the gave up parameter of the returned record

set {gave up:gaveUp} to display dialog "This is the Display Dialog command.

Isn't it cool?" with title {"Title"} buttons {"Yes", "No", "Cancel"} cancel button 3 default button 3 default answer "" giving up after 10
if gaveUp then display dialog "Continue?"

Here is a version that works

tell application "Finder"
		set myAnswer to gave up of (display dialog "This is the Display Dialog command." & return & return ¬
			& "Isn't it cool?" with title {"Title"} buttons {"Yes", "No", "Cancel"} cancel button 3 default button 3 default answer "" giving up after 5)
	on error
		set myAnswer to true
	end try
	if myAnswer = true then display dialog "Continue?"
end tell

The try block will test for the user choosing “Cancel” button.
if the dialog gives up on it’s own, an error isn’t triggered, so the result gets put in a variable “myAnswer”

Thank you! That seems like a very easy way to capture all the results.