Progress Indicator as a sheet

Hey guys,

I’m trying to implement a Progress Indicator as a sheet. When I run the program,
it begins executing as expected but then it stops and I get an error:

      " Can't make <<class prol>> "Progress" of <<class
       panN>> (window id 3) into type reference. (-1700)"

Here’s the code.

on startStatus()
display panel window “Status” attached to window “nameTracker”
tell progress indicator “Progress” of panel window “Status” to start
end startStatus

Any thoughts?


display window "Status" attached to window "nameTracker"
start progress indicator "Progress" of panel window "Status"

Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately, I still get the same error.
It’s strange because the Progress Indicator runs fine if it’s
not attached to any windows but as soon as I attach it it errors.

If anyone has any other suggestions, I’m open.
Otherwise I’ll just keep at it. Something will give. it always does.

Thanks again.

That was it!
Now it works like a charm.
Thank you much.
