Hi Dominik & Mike
Thousand thank you Dominik for your invaluable assistance.
Your code really functions very well, and it renders a great service to me.
Thank you also to have taken time to comment the code, I can now understand certain things, even if I am completely unable for the moment to modify the least line.
By attentively reading the code, helped by the comments especially, it seems me to have understood that the method “setDisabledOfRow” recomposes a list, according to values of the provided row (number of the row and state to be applied), which is then sent like argument to the method “setInvisibleRows”, which in its turn changes the properties of all the rows according to the provided list.
That is right?
If it is the case, then I suppose that the building of this list of rows can be made directly with the AppleScript code, not?
In any case, it is exactly what I had made to use the method “setInvisibleRows” on the preceding version of the ObjC code, like this:
set theTableView to table view "tevTest" of scroll view "slvTest" of window "winMain"
set theDataSource to data source of theTableView
set theSelectedRow to (selected row of theTableView)
set theEnabledOkList to (contents of data cell "col01" of every data row of theDataSource)
set theEnabledRowList to {}
repeat with theNro from 1 to (count theEnabledOkList)
set theEnabledOk to (contents of item theNro of theEnabledOkList) as boolean
if theNro is theSelectedRow then set theEnabledOk to not theEnabledOk
if not theEnabledOk then set end of theEnabledRowList to theNro
end repeat
Now, I think that the ObjC code works much more quickly than the same AS code, and than there should not be important decelerations most of the time.
But, I have a question however:
If the “Table View” contains a very great quantity of data, can we fear a deceleration of the operation?
Or you think that it is really negligible?
In all the cases, your current code is really perfect for the use which I want to make in my current project, thank-you again.
However, if ever you find a little time, and that you think that it is realizable, could you to study the possibility of conceiving a direct method, without passing by the building of a list, and without to work on all the rows, I think that could be useful for more ambitious projects.
I really learned much from interesting things in this topic… Thanks so much…