Hi to all,
i’ve started using the “property” command to bring datas over the script.
I’m using a xcode droplet and i want to put the drag’n’dropped file(s) list into a property.
main problem is that it converts my file list into posix path, and i don’t want it, as i have to do some modifications before.
i just want to bring data as is, why it converts it to posix path ?
here’s a little script to recreate the issue:
just create a new xcode applescript droplet project
then in interface builder assign “Application” of main menu.xib to trigger “on launched”
then :
property allfiles : {}
on idle
end idle
on open names
display dialog names as string
set contents of default entry "allfiles" of user defaults to names
set readfromproperty to contents of default entry "allfiles" of user defaults
display dialog readfromproperty as string
end open
on launched theObject
tell user defaults
make new default entry at end of default entries with properties {name:"allfiles", contents:{}}
end tell
end launched
wich is the best way to read/store values within an xcode project without the risk of being changed like this?
am i missing something ?
for string i’ve used a plist file till now, that works fine, but i have to convert in ascii first and then save as ascii numbers in the plist, as some characters does not works in XLS, but for things like “names” wich has multiple items inside how can i do?
sorry i’m quite new to xcode, thanks for any input