I’m trying to create a swatch generation script that throws up a swatch and places the color name and color callouts below the swatch. It was pretty simple to do that but I’m stuck trying to get the name on one line and the callouts on a line below the name. I saw in the scripting guide there was a kind property but I couldn’t get it to work. the Color name and callouts will be variables input so I just need to place those in a variable in a format that PS will recognize and place correctly. Script is below and thanks for any help.
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
set docRef to make new document with properties {width:11 as inches, height:17 as inches, mode:CMYK, resolution:300}
set SwatchSet to make new layer set in docRef with properties {name:"Color Swatch"} at end of current document
set SwatchLayer to make new art layer in docRef with properties {name:"ColorSwatch"}
set shapeRef to {{150, 150}, {150, 750}, {750, 750}, {750, 150}}
select current document region shapeRef
fill selection of current document with contents {class:CMYK color, cyan:20, magenta:20, yellow:20, black:0}
move SwatchLayer to end of SwatchSet
set SwatchNameLayer to make new art layer in docRef
set kind of SwatchNameLayer to text layer
set Para to "Foobar CV5
c:10 m:20 y:0 k:1"
set contents of text object of SwatchNameLayer to "Moo."
set font of text object of SwatchNameLayer to "Helvetica"
set size of text object of SwatchNameLayer to 18
set justification of text object of SwatchNameLayer to center
set position of text object of SwatchNameLayer to {1.5 as inches, 2.875 as inches}
move SwatchNameLayer to end of SwatchSet
end tell