put title in footer


i have 2 textboxes in my Quark-document(textbox 1, Footer). The first one is filled with formatted text(heading 1, heading 2, normal).

I want the text formatted as Heading1 to appear in the Footer. Is this possible?
This is the code so far:

set Wordfile to (choose file)
set boxProps1 to {name:"textbox1", bounds:{30, 20, 150, 190}}
set boxPropsFoot to {name:"Footer", bounds:{267, 20, 277, 190}}
tell application "QuarkXPress Passport™ 4.11"
	make new document
	tell document 1
		tell page 1
			make text box at beginning with properties boxProps1
			make text box at beginning with properties boxPropsFoot
			tell text box "textbox1"
				set story 1 to Wordfile
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

How do i tell textbox Footer, to put the Header of Story1 of textbox1, in the textbox?

Does someone have clues?



If Heading1 is the first paragraph you can try this:

set Wordfile to (choose file)
set boxProps1 to {name:“textbox1”, bounds:{30, 20, 150, 190}}
set boxPropsFoot to {name:“Footer”, bounds:{267, 20, 277, 190}}
set Wordfile to (choose file)
set boxProps1 to {name:“textbox1”, bounds:{30, 20, 150, 190}}
set boxPropsFoot to {name:“Footer”, bounds:{267, 20, 277, 190}}
tell application “QuarkXPress Passport”
make new document
tell document 1
tell page 1
make text box at beginning with properties boxProps1
make text box at beginning with properties boxPropsFoot
set story 1 of text box “textbox1” to Wordfile
set footer to (get paragraph 1 of story 1 of text box “textbox1”)
set story 1 of text box “footer” to footer
if character -1 of story 1 of text box “footer” is return then
delete character -1 of text box “footer”
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell

Fantastic Kjeld, thnx!!!