Quark 8: Names of missing images

I have a script for Quark 7 that checks to see if any images are missing from a document, if any images are missing then it uses the “file path” command to get the original path of the file and then strips the string to just the filename of the missing file and then puts it into a list. This script works fine in Quark 7 but I have recently upgraded to Quark 8 and now the script no longer works. It seems that Quark can detect the “missing” boolean without any problems but when it’s unable to get the “file path” of the missing file and just returns “null” as the result. Does anybody know of a workaround for this? I have emailed Quark support twice, who, incidentally don’t seem to support any queries with Quark 8 yet!! and I’ve not had even a confirmation email from them. I have also posted the same request on the Quark Applescript forum and nobody has replied to that either.
Any response would be gratefully appreciated.

tell application "QuarkXPress"
	repeat with i from 1 to (count every image of document 1)
		set missing_status to missing of image i of document 1
		if missing_status is true then
			set missing_image_path to file path of image i of document 1
			tell application "Finder"
				set oldDels to AppleScript's text item delimiters
				set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
				set n to the number of text items in missing_image_path
				set missing_link_name to text items n thru end of missing_image_path as string
				set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDels
			end tell
			copy missing_link_name & return to the end of missing_link_list
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

I’ve recently run into the same exact problem. In looking into it a little further, I’ve noticed that in QXP7 it returned a string for the file path but in QXP8, it returns an alias. I believe this is the key issue to it returning a null value when the image is “missing”. If it can’t find the alias because it is really missing, it has no choice but to return null. I’ve not yet found a work around for this problem.