Quark Bleed Problem

I’m having a problem adding bleed to my post script file. Everything works great, till I go to print the ps file and I get this error:

Can’t Make into type real.

I tried several variations with no luck.

Any Help would be great.

Here is the script:

set thePrinter to "Printergy"
tell application "Printer Setup Utility"
	set current printer to first printer whose name is thePrinter
end tell

tell application "Finder"
	set issue_number to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the Issue Number" default answer "00") as string
	set region_list to {"California COMMON", "California LA", "California OC", "California SD", "California BigBook", "Chicago", "Colorado", "Texas COMMON", "Texas Austin", "Texas Dallas", "Texas Houston", "Texas BigBook"}
	set region_code to choose from list region_list with prompt "Choose a Region:"
	if region_code = {"California COMMON"} then
		set region_code to "CAL_COM"
	end if
	if region_code = {"California LA"} then
		set region_code to "LA"
	end if
	if region_code = {"California OC"} then
		set region_code to "OC"
	end if
	if region_code = {"California SD"} then
		set region_code to "SD"
	end if
	if region_code = {"California BigBook"} then
		set region_code to "CAL"
	end if
	if region_code = {"Chicago"} then
		set region_code to "CH"
	end if
	if region_code = {"Colorado"} then
		set region_code to "CO"
	end if
	if region_code = {"Texas COMMON"} then
		set region_code to "TEX_COM"
	end if
	if region_code = {"Texas Austin"} then
		set region_code to "AUS"
	end if
	if region_code = {"Texas Dallas"} then
		set region_code to "DAL"
	end if
	if region_code = {"Texas Houston"} then
		set region_code to "HOU"
	end if
	if region_code = {"Texas BigBook"} then
		set region_code to "TEX"
	end if
end tell

tell application "QuarkXPress Passport"
	set missingFont to {}
	set missingImages to {}
	set fontList to font list of document 1
	set documentImages to properties of every image of document 1 as list
		repeat with fontName in fontList
			if ID of fontName is less than 1 then set end of missingFont to name of fontName
		end repeat
	end try
		repeat with documentImage in documentImages
			if missing of documentImage is true then
				set missingImage to file path of documentImage as text
				set missingImage to my getName(missingImage)
				set end of missingImages to missingImage
			end if
		end repeat
	end try
end tell

set alertIcon to 0

if missingFont is not {} then
	set text item delimiters to return
	set missingFont to text items of missingFont as string
	set text item delimiters to ""
	set missingFont to "These fonts are not loaded:" & return & missingFont
	set alertIcon to 2
	set missingFont to "All the fonts are loaded"
end if

if missingImages is not {} then
	set text item delimiters to return
	set missingImages to text items of missingImages as string
	set text item delimiters to ""
	set missingImages to "These images are missing:" & return & missingImages
	set alertIcon to 2
	set missingImages to "All the images are linked"
end if

if alertIcon is 2 then
	tell application "QuarkXPress Passport" to display dialog missingFont & return & return & missingImages & return & return & "Create PDFs Anyway?" with icon stop buttons {"Cancel", "YES"} default button {"Cancel"}
end if

on getName(missingImage)
	set text item delimiters to ":"
	set missingImage to text item -1 of missingImage
	set text item delimiters to ""
	return missingImage
end getName

tell application "QuarkXPress Passport"
	tell front document
		set file_name to name as text
		set thePages to name of every page
		set PagesToPrint to choose from list thePages with prompt "Choose Pages to PDF:" with multiple selections allowed
		repeat with apage in PagesToPrint
			set pagewidth to (page width as real) + 6
			set pageheight to (page height as real) + 6
			tell print setup
				set printer type to "Prinergy Refiner"
				set paper size to "custom"
				set paper width to pagewidth
				set paper height to pageheight
				set paper offset to 0
				set page gap to 0
				set reduce or enlarge to "100%"
				set fit in area to false
				set page position to center position
				set orientation to portrait
				set separation to false
				set print spreads to false
				set include blank pages to false
				set print thumbnails to false
				set back to front to false
				set page sequence to all pages
				set registration marks offset to "12"
				set bleed to ".25"
				set tiling to off
				set data format to binary data
				set print quality to normal
				set resolution to 2400
				set halftone screen to 400
			end tell
			set file_path to path to the desktop as text
			set PSFILE_PATH to (file_path & region_code & "_LX" & issue_number & "_" & apage & ".ps") as text
			print (page apage) PostScript file PSFILE_PATH
			tell application "Finder"
				set FILE_CHECK to false
				repeat until FILE_CHECK is true
					if exists alias PSFILE_PATH then set FILE_CHECK to true
				end repeat
				delay 5
			end tell
			tell application "Acrobat Distiller 7.0"
				Distill sourcePath POSIX path of PSFILE_PATH adobePDFSettingsPath "/Library/Application Support/Adobe PDF/Settings/Prinergy Pages.joboptions" destinationPath POSIX path of (path to home folder from user domain) & "Desktop/LUXE_out"
			end tell
			tell application "Finder"
				set trash_file to PSFILE_PATH
				delete file trash_file
			end tell
		end repeat
		tell application "QuarkXPress Passport"
			display dialog "Your PDFs are Done" buttons {"OK"} with icon 1 default button 1
		end tell
	end tell
	set oldPrinter to "CANON-PRO_Print"
	tell application "Printer Setup Utility"
		set current printer to first printer whose name is oldPrinter
	end tell
end tell


you may have to put a zero in front of “.25” to give you “0.25”

you may also have to stipulate the units “inches, millimetres etc.”

set bleed to 5 as millimeter units

worth a try!!

Also give this a try

tell application "QuarkXPress"
	tell document 1
		tell print setup
			-- Your stuff, but comment out bleed in this part
		end tell
		-- After tell print set up tell block insert
		tell custom bleeds setup 1
			set bleed type to symmetric
			set bleed to 0.25
			set bleed clipping to true
		end tell
	end tell
end tell