This is a small problem that is vexing me. In the below distilled version of this script, I’m finding that the property for runaround is being ignored.
Upon further testing, I’m seeing that the previous setting, or default for a text box overrules my setting of the property.
OK, so I start looking for default document 1 but find no property that can be set.
So is there a way to get the property set without default document 1? Or how do I get this property to stick?
tell application "QuarkXPress"
tell layout space 1 of project 1
make new layer at beginning with properties {visible:true, locked:false, color:{36981, 146, 1228}, name:"Callout", keep runaround:true, suppress print:false}
tell page 1
tell text box 4 of layer "variable"
set bigname to "Jim11"
set name to (bigname as text)
--set Sbox to (name of it)
end tell --text box i of layer 1
tell layer "Callout"
make new text box at end with properties {bounds:{"10.766\"", "-.5\"", "12.016\"", "1\""}, color:"None", runaround:none runaround, name:"Tbox " & bigname, vertical justification:bottom justified}
-- this box is made with these attributes
set arnold to object reference of text box whose name is ("Tbox " & bigname)
end tell --layer 2
tell text box ("Tbox " & bigname)
set story 1 to "myTSRList"
on error
display dialog (bigname as string)
end try
end tell --text box Target box & i
end tell --page 1
end tell --layout space
end tell --qxp
thanx, sam