quark to doc

Hi all,

On the dailly basis I got some quark document. I will have to extract all these document into word format using “TexTractor” with MsWord filter extension.
For that I will have to run the usage to replace some fonts in to “Times New Roman” which is easilly compatible with Windows users.
Below action I am performing during extraction:

  1. Delete every picure box through ny script.
  2. Delete header & footer through my script.
  3. Running Usage manually.
  4. Etract into Word.

Since I have developed 1. & 2. but I am not able to do 3. & 4.

I have also some problem with my second script. I will have to select header or footer to perform action. actually some time user make mistake and some box touch the header or footer.

I am posting my both script.

For third one more thing I would like to tell that my quark document has a lot of fonts e.g. BI Times Bold, Jason Black, Platino Italic etc. with some special fonts like Symbol, Mathematical Pi One etc. I don’t want to repace any special fonts.

--delete images
tell application "QuarkXPress"
	tell front document
		set tool mode to drag mode
		set tot to count of every picture box
		repeat with i from tot to 1 by -1
			if anchored of picture box i then
				select picture box i
				cut current box
				delete picture box i
			end if
		end repeat
		display dialog "Total of " & tot & " picture boxes
has been deleted successfully." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
		set cc to count of every generic box
		repeat with i from 1 to cc
			select generic box i
			if color of current box is not equal to null then
				set color of current box to null
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

--delete header & footer
tell application "QuarkXPress"
	tell front document
		set vertical measure to inches
		set horizontal measure to inches
		set tot to count of every generic box
		repeat with x from tot to 1 by -1
			set a1 to box type of generic box x as text
			if a1 = "LNBx" then
				delete generic box x
			end if
		end repeat
		set page rule origin to {"0", "0"}
		set aa to bounds of current box
		set tot to count of every generic box
		repeat with x from tot to 1 by -1
			set bb to bounds of generic box x
			if aa = bb then
				delete generic box x
			end if
		end repeat
		display dialog "Box of similar size  and position deleted successfully"
	end tell
end tell
