QuarkXPress 6.5 Named Text Boxes

I have a named text box in Quark 6.5 (on OS 10.4). The name is “Count” and is verifiable by getting the box’s properties. I need to set the text of this text box using the name.

This works:
tell text box 19 of spread 1 of document 1 to set story 1 to “blah”

This also works (based on the box’s unique id):
tell text box id 227 of spread 1 of document 1 to set story 1 to “blah”

This does not work:
tell text box “Count” of spread 1 of document 1 to set story 1 to “blah”

Neither does this work:
tell text box named “Count” of spread 1 of document 1 to set story 1 to “blah”

This used to work on previous operating systems and with older versions of Quark. Can anyone make a suggestion for getting the named text box to work?

Hi cavedog,

try this:

tell ...
set text of (first text box whose name is "Count") to "bla" -- edit: 'set story 1 ...' works as well, of course 
end tell

:wink: D.

That worked. Many thanks!