I am trying to add a Buddy in iChat. Unfortunately, new Buddy’s can not be made using Applescript. For that reason, I am dropping back to GUI scripting.
Currently, i have the Add Buddy Dialog open. It is using combo boxes for the Account Name, First and Last Name. They are not combo boxes in what I think the true since of the combo box is, with a menu and choices below it. I believe they are a combo box because the values can be typed in or retrieved from the AddressBook.
I want to programmatically set the values of the three combo boxes. I could use a series of keystroke’s to fill the fields, but if I can, I would like to manipulate the combo boxes directly.
tell application "iChat" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "iChat"
set myComboBox to combo box 1 of sheet 1 of front window
tell myComboBox to setStringValue_("Test")
end tell
end tell
tell application "iChat" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "iChat"
set myComboBox to combo box 1 of sheet 1 of front window
myComboBox's setStringValue_("Test")
end tell
end tell
They both generate similar errors- “System Events got an error: myComboBox of «script» doesn’t understand the setStringValue_ message.”
A also tried to get the TextField of the ComboBox manipulate that directly and got similar results.
Please help steer me straight.