Questions surrounding Maverick's AS-Notification Center integration

Right so, currently I have several scripts for day-to-day tasks. I have one that notifies me on YouTube uploads, and downloads their thumbnails for GeekTool to show. I have one for cleaning out my downloads folder. I’m working on some stuff that integrates with my Android phone…

Currently, using the ‘Display Notification’ command, there are two ways I can display notifications:
¢ When saved as a basic script, they come under the heading “AppleScript Editor”. I don’t like this because it groups everything under one non-descriptive heading.

¢ When saved as an Application, they come under the heading of the saved title.
> Sometimes an application will not display it’s name (I think it happens if you save it and subsequently rename it?
Haven’t quite worked out…), but instead it displays a ‘random’ string of hex digits (see linked image). I’ve yet to work out what that string represents.

My question is this: Is there a way to customise the displayed app name, so I can have multiple scripts send under the same heading? Is it possible by writing some sort of daemon to forward my notifications through, so different scripts can come under the same heading?

Has anybody worked out or drilled down into exactly how the implementation of applescript with notification center works? What is the meaning of the hex strings, and can we manipulate this in some way to register ‘spoof’ app names with Notification Center?

tl;dr: I would like to be able to have my 3 YouTube scripts all notify under the name “Youtube”, and my housekeeping scripts to notify under the name “Housekeeping”.
Thanks in advance, all!

Hi icecoldtrashcan,

There is no way to send two application names to Notification Center (unless they added it in Mavericks). You would need to run two applications. You could use different titles. Here’s an Xcode project that sends notifications. I’ve been thinking about converting something like this, so it can run in the Library:

script AppDelegate
	property parent : class "NSObject"
    property myNotification : missing value
    property notificationCount: 0
	on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
        -- initialize
	end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
    -- reopen handler
    on applicationShouldHandleReopen_hasVisibleWindows_(theApplication, aFlag)
        my applicationDidFinishLaunching_(missing value)
        return NO
    end applicationShouldHandleReopen_hasVisibleWindows_
    -- main
    on applicationDidFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
        -- set the delegate to script
        current application's NSUserNotificationCenter's defaultUserNotificationCenter's setDelegate_(me)
        -- get current date and target date
        set sentDate to current application's NSDate's |date|()
        set sentDateAsString to my formatDate_(sentDate,1,2)
        set numSeconds to 30
        set targetDate to current application's NSDate's dateWithTimeInterval_sinceDate_(numSeconds,sentDate)
        -- make user info NSDictionary
        set notificationCount to notificationCount + 1
        set nsDict to current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys_(notificationCount, "notificationIndex", sentDateAsString, "sentDate", "value3", "key3", missing value)
        -- send notification to NSUserNotificationCenter
		my sendNotification_("MyNotifier",sentDateAsString,"It's time!","Restart","Stop",targetDate,"Boing",nsDict)
        say "Notification sent."
	end applciationDidFinishLaunching_
    -- format NSDate to string using styles
    -- 0 = none, 1 = short, 2 = med, 3 = long, 4 = full
    on formatDate_(aNSDate, aDateStyle, aTimeStyle)
        set myFormatter to current application's NSDateFormatter's alloc()'s init()
        myFormatter's setDateStyle_(aDateStyle)
        myFormatter's setTimeStyle_(aTimeStyle)
        set formattedDate to myFormatter's stringFromDate_(aNSDate)
        return formattedDate
    end formatDate_
	-- method for sending a notification
	on sendNotification_(aTitle, aSubtitle, aMessage, aActionButtonTitle, aOtherButtonTitle, aDeliveryDate, aSound, aDict)
        -- make the notification
		set myNotification to current application's NSUserNotification's alloc()'s init()
		set myNotification's title to aTitle
        set myNotification's subtitle to aSubtitle
		set myNotification's informativeText to aMessage
        set myNotification's actionButtonTitle to aActionButtonTitle
        set myNotification's otherButtonTitle to aOtherButtonTitle
        set myNotification's deliveryDate to aDeliveryDate
        set myNotification's soundName to aSound
        set myNotification's userInfo to aDict
        -- schedule the notification
        current application's NSUserNotificationCenter's defaultUserNotificationCenter's scheduleNotification_(myNotification)
	end sendNotification_
    -- delegate instance methods
    -- force presentation for when application process is frontmost
    on userNotificationCenter_shouldPresentNotification_(aCenter, aNotification)
        return yes
    end userNotificationCenter_shouldPresentNotification_
    -- deliver
    on userNotificationCenter_didDeliverNotification_(aCenter, aNotification)
        say "Notification Delivered"
    end userNotificationCenter_didDeliverNotification_

    -- user activation
    on userNotificationCenter_didActivateNotification_(aCenter, aNotification)
        say "Notification Activated"
        -- 0    none
        -- 1    contents clicked
        -- 2    action button clicked
        set userActivationType to (aNotification's activationType) as integer
        if userActivationType is 1 then
            say "contents clicked"
            my contentsClicked_(aNotification)
        else if userActivationType is 2 then
            say "action button clicked"
            my actionButtonClicked_(aNotification)
        else -- userActivationType is 0
            say "no user activation"
        end if
        return userActivationType
    end userNotificationCenter_didActivateNotification_
    on contentsClicked_(aNotification)
        -- do something
    end contentsClicked_
    -- gets user info and deletes delivered notification from Notification Center
    on actionButtonClicked_(aNotification)
        -- delete the notification and send a new one (or some other action)
        -- first get info on notification
        set theInfo to aNotification's userInfo
        set theValue to theInfo's valueForKey_("notificationIndex")
        say (theValue as string)
        -- delete notification from notification center
        current application's NSUserNotificationCenter's defaultUserNotificationCenter's removeDeliveredNotification_(aNotification)
        -- send a new notification
        my applicationDidFinishLaunching_(missing value)
    end actionButtonClicked_
    on applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed_()
        return true
    end applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed_
    -- quit
	on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
		-- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits 
		return current application's NSTerminateNow
	end applicationShouldTerminate_
end script

It might take a while to convert it.


Hi icecoldtrashcan,

Come to think of it, there might be a way by setting the delegate. Not sure though.



I was actually thinking of the point of using the notification centre for this yesterday:

-My conclusion was that using the Notification Centre wasn’t feasible, at least not for this, because at least the display notification command are implemented as a command in AppleScript version 2.3, and because Applescript Script is single threaded, so there are no particular gains in using a delegate anyway.

Maybe I’m ignorant in some sort of way here, but I just use display notification, or tell me to display notification, with the title I opt for with the subtitle predicate.


You could write your own scriptable application to do it. Seems like a lot of work for something so small…

It presumably works pretty much the same as any other app works with it. Which means it has very little control.

They represent autosaved versions of your script app. If you have it open, it will autosave when you make another app active.


You don’t seriously think that in security-obsessed times Apple would throw together something that would let viruses, for example, post notifications pretending to be TextEdit or Safari?