AS: 1.6
MacOS: 9.2.2
iMac 600
What is the syntax for extracting text from a Dialog Director dialog box?
(Dialog Director scripting addition required)
I require a floating palette which is why DD is being used to generate the dialog box. I have been through a number of the example files but cannot find what I am looking for. I need to be able to assign the text entered into the Dialog box to a variable for later use.
Here is the dialog portion of the script:
property theDialog : {size:[260, 95], contents:[¬
{class:push button, bounds:[190, 65, 250, 85], name:“OK”}, ¬
{class:push button, bounds:[110, 65, 170, 85], name:“Cancel”}, ¬
{class:text field, bounds:[10, 36, 250, 36 + 16], name bounds:¬
[10, 10, 250, 26], name:“Please enter pdf file code”, value:“”}], style:movable dialog}
return [dd auto dialog theDialog with grayscale]
What is the command to now take the result and assign it to a variable?
Eg. set text returned to pdfCode ?? Display Dialog pdfCode ??