quick question - applescript and cookies

I am trying to pass some data from a web app (php page hosted locally) to applescript. Is there anyway to read cookies with applescript?


UNIX curl command.

do shell script "man -t curl | open -f -a /Applications/Preview.app"

Not to hard to work out. Just set a variable to the return of to do shell script.

I sometime have PHP do it thing, return a auto redirect page (with hidden field) to a ACGI AppleScript. ACGI Dispatcher needed for that method. You can put up progress has been made, if you want.

You can go the other way ACGI first. PHP second.

You can have PHP put in database. And have AppleScript poll database for work to do. This method AppleScript has no connection to the surfer. Handy for processing photos, in complex ways, managing files (uploads) etc.

Like more help just ask. I use AppleScript, PHP, and MySQL a lot.


Thanks for the info. I’ll first try using a mysql database with php as I haven’t ever used ACGI before. I guess there would be a way I could setup an applescript that would check the database every minute or so to see if there was any new activity?

Thanks for your help!

Read this article by Craig Smith on Scripting mySQL