QuickTime 7 : extract from position an audio preview

Hi All (Again :slight_smile: ),

Thank you very much for this forum and all the posts on. It is really hellpfull to start to better understand how what with actionscript.

Before the arrival of QT7 I was using this script to create some preview of audio files. Basically, I can set a begin point, the duration and automatically extract this portion to a new file as .wav.

QT7 add new great features to quicktime, but also break this script. I cannot handle at this time what exactly is going wrong. I see something like a wrong type on “time scale” but not sure at all…

If someone have an idea on it, that could be fun. Maybe an english lesson too :wink: sorry for my frenglish.

tell application "QuickTime Player"
		if not (exists movie 1) then error "No movies are open."
		stop every movie
		if QuickTime Pro installed is false then
			set the target_URL to "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"
			display dialog "This script requires QuickTime Pro." & return & return & ¬
				"If this computer is currently connected to the Internet, " & ¬
				"click the "Upgrade" button to visit the QuickTime Website at:" & ¬
				return & return & target_URL buttons {"Upgrade", "Cancel"} default button 2
			ignoring application responses
				tell application "Finder"
					open location target_URL
				end tell
			end ignoring
			error number -128
		end if
		-- set the position for starting the preview
		if not (exists movie 1) then return
		stop every movie
		set this_movie to the name of movie 1
		set the time_scale to the time scale of movie 1
		set the play_point to the current time of movie 1
		set the high_number to the duration of movie 1
		set the low_number to 0
			display dialog "Start position of  "" & this_movie & ""." & ¬
				return & return & "Enter a number between " & the low_number & " and " & the (round high_number / time scale) & ":" default answer play_point
				if the text returned of the result is not "" then ¬
					set the this_time to the text returned of the result as number
				if the this_time is greater than or equal to the low_number and ¬
					the this_time is less than or equal to the high_number and ¬
					the this_time mod 1 is equal to 0 then
					exit repeat
				end if
			end try
		end repeat
		set the current time of movie 1 to this_time * time scale
		-- set the duration of the preview
		set the low_number to 5
		set the high_number to 290
			display dialog "Enter a duration between " & the low_number & " and " & the high_number & ":" default answer ""
				if the text returned of the result is not "" then ¬
					set the requested_number to the text returned of the result as number
				if the requested_number is greater than or equal to the low_number and ¬
					the requested_number is less than or equal to the high_number then exit repeat
			end try
		end repeat
		-- get the name of the movie
		set the movie_name to the name of movie 1 & ".preview.wav"
		-- check the start and end position for the selection
		set the current_time to the current time
		select movie 1 at current_time to (current_time + (requested_number * (time scale)))
		-- create a new movie and copy the selection inside
		copy movie 1
		make new movie
		paste movie 1
		rewind movie 1
		select none of movie 1
		-- check to see if the opened movie can be exported
		if (can export movie 1 as wave) is true then
			-- prompt the user for a name and location
			set the new_file to ¬
				choose file name with prompt "Enter a name and choose a location for the new file:" default name movie_name
			-- export the movie as Wave file
			export movie 1 to new_file as wave using default settings
			-- close the movie
			close movie 1 saving no
			close movie 1 saving no
			error "This movie cannot be exported as a Wave Audio Preview."
		end if
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then
			display dialog error_message buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
		end if
	end try
end tell

Model: PowerBook
Browser: Safari 417.9.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

I always have the same concern, I do not find a solution on it…

display dialog "Can't make «class tmsc» of application \"QuickTime Player\" into type number." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
		"QuickTime Player got an error: User canceled."

Thank you Jacques.
This is a double post, my old one was reactivated, it’s a long story :P.
Maybe admins can delete this one.