Quicktime frame grabber

Hi I need a little help making this script work better. What I want it to do is ask you to choose a quicktime to open and then proceed to grab random frames from the quicktime movie and save them to a folder of your choosing.

Any help that you can give is appreciated.


set theDefaultDir to path to desktop folder as alias

tell application "Finder"
	if exists folder "movpicts" of theDefaultDir then
		delete folder "movpicts" of theDefaultDir -- moves to trash
	end if
	set TheImagetank to (make new folder at theDefaultDir with properties {name:"movpicts"})
end tell

choose file with prompt "choose movies to grab frames from:" with multiple selections allowed without invisibles
open result

on open droppedItems
	tell application "QuickTime Player"
	end tell
end open

tell application "QuickTime Player"
		if not (exists document 1) then error "No movies are open."
		stop every document
			--set this_name to the full text of annotation "Full Name"
			set this_name to the name of document 1
			set bla to ((length of this_name) - 4)
			set this_name to (characters 1 thru bla of this_name) as string
		on error
			set this_name to bla
		end try
		set movie_scale to the time scale of document 1
		set eerste_stap to 1 * movie_scale --2 sec
		set aantal_stappen to ((duration of document 1) - eerste_stap) / 8
		--set the destination_folder to theDir
		rewind document 1
		set current time of document 1 to eerste_stap
		set this_file to (this_name & "-1.jpg")
		set the target_file to ((TheImagetank as string) & this_file)
		set the chosen_preset to "Photo-JPEG"
		export document 1 to target_file as picture using settings preset chosen_preset with replacing
		set current time of document 1 to eerste_stap + (1 * aantal_stappen)
		set this_file to (this_name & "-2.jpg")
		set the target_file to ((TheImagetank as string) & this_file)
		set the chosen_preset to "Photo-JPEG"
		export document 1 to target_file as picture using settings preset chosen_preset with replacing
		set current time of document 1 to eerste_stap + (2 * aantal_stappen)
		set this_file to (this_name & "-3.jpg")
		set the target_file to ((TheImagetank as string) & this_file)
		set the chosen_preset to "Photo-JPEG"
		export document 1 to target_file as picture using settings preset chosen_preset with replacing
		set current time of document 1 to eerste_stap + (3 * aantal_stappen)
		set this_file to (this_name & "-4.jpg")
		set the target_file to ((TheImagetank as string) & this_file)
		set the chosen_preset to "Photo-JPEG"
		export document 1 to target_file as picture using settings preset chosen_preset with replacing
		set current time of document 1 to eerste_stap + (4 * aantal_stappen)
		set this_file to (this_name & "-5.jpg")
		set the target_file to ((TheImagetank as string) & this_file)
		set the chosen_preset to "Photo-JPEG"
		export document 1 to target_file as picture using settings preset chosen_preset with replacing
		set current time of document 1 to eerste_stap + (5 * aantal_stappen)
		set this_file to (this_name & "-6.jpg")
		set the target_file to ((TheImagetank as string) & this_file)
		set the chosen_preset to "Photo-JPEG"
		export document 1 to target_file as picture using settings preset chosen_preset with replacing
		set current time of document 1 to eerste_stap + (6 * aantal_stappen)
		set this_file to (this_name & "-7.jpg")
		set the target_file to ((TheImagetank as string) & this_file)
		set the chosen_preset to "Photo-JPEG"
		export document 1 to target_file as picture using settings preset chosen_preset with replacing
		set current time of document 1 to eerste_stap + (7 * aantal_stappen)
		set this_file to (this_name & "-8.jpg")
		set the target_file to ((TheImagetank as string) & this_file)
		set the chosen_preset to "Photo-JPEG"
		export document 1 to target_file as picture using settings preset chosen_preset with replacing
		close document 1 saving no
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then
			display dialog error_message buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
		end if
	end try
end tell