Quicktime MPEG4 export

I am trying to create a script which converts Quicktime movies to MPEG4 but for some strange reason I can’t get it working with custom settings.

This works fine:
export to ((path to desktop as text) & exportMP4_name) as MPEG4 using most recent settings with replacing

but I want this to work where the settings file is stored earlier in the used file (This works fine when I use settings to create a quicktime movie with a certain codec)

set exportSettingsPath to (path to applications folder as Unicode text) & “QTcoder:mp4”
set exportMP4_name to current_name & “.mp4”

export to ((path to desktop as text) & exportMP4_name) as MPEG4 using settings file exportSettingsPath with replacing

Anyone with some advice ?

I get this message after trying to create an MPEG4. There is a file but I can’t open it :frowning:

An invalid sample description was found in the movie.


I guess, the settings file must have a .settings extension


It might be helpful to read the thread Export Quicktime Pro to multiple mp4 formats at Applescript users list

Best Regards


Unfortunately the mentioned thread and .settings top did not help me at all. Thanks anyway.

The strange thing is this works :

export to ((path to desktop as text) & exportH264_name) as QuickTime movie using settings file exportSettingsPath with replacing


It’s not strange. The QuickTime dictionary says
using settings optional file the file containing the export settings
file means alias or file specifier