Radio buttons within a group box

I am able to get the value of a row of a radio button group if the radio buttons are directly inside my window…

on clicked theObject
	set theResult to get current row of matrix "buttonChoices" of window "myWindow"
end clicked

…but if I put the radio buttons into a group box then the above code does not work. I thought I needed to add of group 1 into the code…

on clicked theObject
	set theResult to get current row of matrix "buttonChoices" of group 1 of window "myWindow"
end clicked

…but with this code Xcode won’t compile the application.

What is the missing bit I need to reference a radio group within a group box?



do you mean an NSBox object?
You can reference a box like every other object

on clicked theObject
	set theResult to get current row of matrix "buttonChoices" of box "myBox" of window "myWindow"
end clicked


I’m sorry, it didn’t occur to me it was a “box” instead of a “group”.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.