Random Number problems(math)

Hay once more
well l have searched ur database and found one thing that is wat l want but there happens to be a problem l don’t have appleworks 6 (l think that was the program)
well basiclly l kinda want a script that spits out 100 random numbers onto a word or other mac osx program as both of my parents are teachers(l’m 14) and they would very much like something that would do that for them
thanx in advance

Model: Mac osx 10.4 G4
AppleScript: 1.10? or version 2.1(80)?
Browser: Safari 412
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Hi killsquad,

hey, we have something in common :wink: (parents = teachers) …

here’s an attempt to solve the job - you can easily modify the the generated list with altering the options of makeRandomNumbersString:

1st option: length of the number list
2nd option: maximum value of the generated numbers
3rd option: delimiter to be used to separate the numbers in the list.

the result is a list of random numbers as string in the pasteboard - you can simply hit paste in any application after running the script.

Hope that helps …


do shell script ("echo " & (quoted form of (my makeRandomNumbersString(100, 50, ", "))) & " | pbcopy")

on makeRandomNumbersString(arraySize, numberMax, numberDelimiter)
	set rndArray to {}
	repeat with n from 1 to arraySize
		set rndArray to rndArray & ((random number (numberMax) as integer) as string)
	end repeat
	set {olddelims, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, numberDelimiter}
	set retVal to rndArray as string
	set text item delimiters to olddelims
	return retVal
end makeRandomNumbersString

um…yea l trued that script u made and well nothing happened
…am l missing something?

  • l’m pretty new to scripting but l do know the basics but l can read it and l learn fast
    yea l got it if u can down load the mulisheet 2.1 l think …its a program that is wat l was talking about in my last post and well look @ it and try to modify it for me plz
    l had a try and got no where so yea
    look for 100 math
    in… um…wheres the place…l think it is scripted something or other…l forget u could try searching for it on the site via other ways though…um well yea good luck
    u deserve a medal if u understand wat l just wrote

Sure you read what I wrote above? The result of the script is in the pasteboard - until you haven’t entered a ‘paste’ command somewhere nothing happens … :wink:

Ok - but if you want to have it automatically pasted in an other application - here’s an example for TextEdit:

set randList to my makeRandomNumbersString(100, 50, ", ")
tell application "TextEdit"
	make new document
	set text of document 1 to randList
end tell

on makeRandomNumbersString(arraySize, numberMax, numberDelimiter)
	set rndArray to {}
	repeat with n from 1 to arraySize
		set rndArray to rndArray & ((random number (numberMax) as integer) as string)
	end repeat
	set {olddelims, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, numberDelimiter}
	set retVal to rndArray as string
	set text item delimiters to olddelims
	return retVal
end makeRandomNumbersString


Try this. Do you want the numbers to be integers?

--Make empty string.
set myList to ""
--repeat 100 times
repeat with x from 1 to 100
	--Add a a random number and return to the text.
	set myList to myList & (random number) & return
end repeat
tell application "TextEdit"
	--Make new window in TextEdit.
	set myWindow to make new document
	-- Name it.
	set name of front window to "Random Numbers"
	--Add the text.
	set text of myWindow to myList
end tell

John M

Unfortunately, some parents are not always good teachers.

True they could be evil and eat the children…
u put the fun in dysfunctuional

Dominik and kel and john m
l tryed ur scripts and they work but l don’t think u understand wats l’m asking…
yes ur spits out random number but the kids are in yr 3-4 not 12

  • there seposed to be times tables …
    yea so basiclly
    l need tha scripts u guys wrote to make a number between 1 - 12 x another random number between 1- 12

and if it’s possible can they be in 2 lines down the one page

but ur scripts did work so good job

Do you want something like this?

set numList to {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}
set theMult to ""
repeat 50 times
	set theMult to theMult & (((((some item in numList) as string) & " x " & (some item in numList) as string) & " = ") & return & return)
end repeat
tell application "TextEdit"
	set myWindow to make new document
	set name of front window to "Random Numbers"
	set text of myWindow to theMult
end tell


Yes precisly that except the ? at the end
thanx to all that helped

actually can u put it into 2 lists?
for me

I just edited it in my post (not that you couldn’t have done that yourself.)

l did
any progress on tha 2 coloums?

Oops, we were posting at the same time - do you mean 2 columns each of 25 problems?

yea we gotta be posting @ tha same time
l changed ur script a little just two 100 problems and no ? at the end
and yea l kinda want that so it fits on one page

All right now, I read this several times, but my “dude” days are in the past. I understand “no ? at the end”
Could you translate that to “Old Dude?” :wink:

Unless you figured it out yourself already…

7 x 4 = 10 x 4 =
3 x 5 = 7 x 6 =

u getting tha point?
yea… 2 coloums
which did u like more ‘dude’ or old dude?
like more?

I still speak “pidgin Dude” and give me a few minutes… my typing isn’t much better than hunt and peck.

thats a very intellegent way of putting “l carn’t type fast!”
l’ll give u some more time
but can we actually talk about tha script with the 2 coloums plz l really want that

l gotta cruze l’ll be back later can u have the script done bye then?
well try to for me