I am new to AS Studio so be nice
My app relies heavily on reading plist files. I’ve got the basics down using System Events, for example:
tell application “System Events”
set plistFile to “/Library/Preferences/com.domain.prefs.plist”
set returnVal to (value of property list item “MyValue” of property list file plistFile)
display dialog returnVal
end tell
To extract from the following plist:
[b]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
MyValue 1000 [/b]But of course I need to read further into plist files, count the number of re-occurrences of certain items and so on. For example, if I wanted to read into the following plist file:
[b]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
MyValue ArrayInfo Bool Value1 1000> Bool Value1 4000> [/b]How can I extract, for example, the number of records within the array and then create and AS list of each re-occurrence of ‘Value1’ or ‘bool’?
Any help on this or any links to good tutorials will be much appreciated.
Many thanks.