Reading Quicksilver Tags.

Having just started to use Tags with Quicksilver I’d like to display the Tags I’ve already used on my desktop with GeekTool.

I’ve found where Quicksilver stores the Tags and I’ve got a basic command to get the Tags out of the file but I could do with some help removing the extra text.

I think I need to do a repeat using Text Delimiters. I’ve looked a the MacScripter tutorial but I can’t get my head round them!!

Here’s the code I’ve got so far:

do shell script "grep string /Users/username/Desktop/QSPresetQSFileTagsPlugIn.qsindex | awk {'print $1'}"

set theTags to result

set newText to switchText of theTags from "<string>qs.tag.file</string>" to ""

to switchText of currentText from SearchString to ReplaceString -- the handler
	set storedDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	-- this simply stores the current value of AppleScript's AppleScript's text item delimiters
	-- so they can be restored later (thus helping to avoid potential problems elsewhere).
	-- Remember, we always set them back to what they were.
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to SearchString
	-- AppleScript's AppleScript's text item delimiters are now set to "Purple"
	set currentText to currentText's text items -- note we have changed currentText's value
	-- create a list of text items from the original text, separated at the points where the
	-- current text item delimiter ("Purple") appeared.
	--> {"What, ", " Shoes?"} - Note that the spaces and punctuation are retained.
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ReplaceString
	-- AppleScript's AppleScript's text item delimiters are now set to "Green"
	set currentText to currentText as Unicode text
	-- coerce the list  {"What, ", " Shoes?"} to Unicode text. This operation will also 
	-- insert the current value of AppleScript's AppleScript's text item delimiters ("Green")
	-- between each of the listed items
	--> "What, Green Shoes?"
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to storedDelimiters
	-- restore the value of AppleScript's AppleScript's text item delimiters
	-- to whatever they were on entering the subroutine. Remember that a call to this
	-- might have been made from within a section of script that had the TIDs set to
	-- something else. Hand the result back with the TIDs as they were.
	-- return the now modified text (and restored TIDs) -- "What, Green Shoes?"
	set this_text to currentText
	set new_text to ""
	--Loop through paragraphs of old text
	repeat with myPara in paragraphs of this_text
		--Check for paragraph's contents in new text
		--If not there add new text to end of new text
		if new_text does not contain myPara then set new_text to new_text & myPara & return
	end repeat
	--Remove final return 
	set new_text to (characters 1 thru -2 of new_text) as text
end switchText -- the end of the handler.

The result of the script is:


I’d like to remove the and from the result.

Any ideas how?

Model: iMac
AppleScript: 1.10.7
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

I don’t use tags with QuickSilver… didn’t even know about them to be honest, but couldn’t you do something like this maybe?

repeat with myPara in paragraphs of this_text
	--Check for paragraph's contents in new text
	--If not there add new text to end of new text
	if new_text does not contain myPara then set new_text to new_text & (text 9 thru -10 of myPara) & return
end repeat

Cheers James

Works a treat!


Is it possible to sort the output so that all the tags are shown alphabetically from Geektool?

Yep, change

do shell script "grep string " & (quoted form of POSIX path of QuicksilverTags) & " | awk {'print $1'}"


do shell script "grep string " & (quoted form of POSIX path of QuicksilverTags) & " | awk {'print $1'} | sort"

Thank you very much :slight_smile: