Recursive file mover folder action that moves a specific file type

Anyone have one of these handy? Im looking for something to search the current directory and below for *.avi and moves them to a defined direcotry.


I didn’t write this (but cannot remember who did) but it collects files by extension - in this instance .mp3, where the leading asterisk is a wild card. Set up a test on duplicates.

set target_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Where should the files be moved:") as alias
set the_files to paragraphs of (do shell script "find ~/ -name '*.mp3'")
set the_errors to {}
tell application "Finder"
	repeat with this_file in the_files
			move ((contents of this_file) as POSIX file) to target_folder
		on error the_error
			set end of the_errors to the_error
		end try
	end repeat
end tell
if the_errors = {} then
	display dialog "All done." buttons {"OK"} with icon 1 giving up after 10
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
	set the_errors to the_errors as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	display dialog "All done with errors:" & return & the_errors buttons {"OK"} with icon 2
end if