Refining code


I just finished up my little program, and it works nicely. My code is rather crude, so I was hoping someone might clean it up for me so I can start building better coding habbits. Mucho thanxo.

It’s not terribly long, so here it is:

on awake from nib theObject
	delete every menu item of menu of popup button "myButton" of window "myWindow"
	set myData to parse()
	repeat with anItem in XML contents of myData
		if XML tag of anItem is "profile" then
			set current_item to (|name| of XML attributes of anItem as string)
			make new menu item at end of menu of popup button "myButton" of window "myWindow" with properties {title:current_item, enabled:true}
		end if
	end repeat
end awake from nib

on clicked theObject
	set myData to parse()
	set mySelection to the title of current menu item of popup button "myButton" of window "myWindow"
	set myLogin to extract(mySelection, myData) as string
	with timeout of 15 seconds
			mount volume ("afp:/at/aadxserve/" & myLogin) as user name myLogin
			tell current application
			end tell
		on error errText number errNum
			if errNum = -1028 then
				display dialog errText & "

Server cannot be reached.  Try again in a few moments."
				display dialog errText
			end if
		end try
	end timeout
end clicked

on parse()
	set xml_source to ((path to desktop) as string) & "login.xml"
	set xml_data to parse XML (read file xml_source)
	return xml_data
end parse

on extract(user_name, xml_data)
	repeat with anItem in XML contents of xml_data
		if XML tag of anItem is "profile" and |name| of XML attributes of anItem is user_name then
			set myLogin to (account of XML attributes of anItem as string)
		end if
	end repeat
	return myLogin
end extract