Refresh Finder Window info.

I have a script (cobbled together from many posts here) that when run, calculates the total size of the trash, displays it and let’s me choose to empty or pass. I have noticed a small point in my transition from 10.4 to 10.5:

With 10.4 when I emptied the trash with a Finder window open, the available size at the bottom of the window would immediately update. in 10.5 I have to close the open window and open it in order to see the new ‘Available’ size.

Is there a command that will get the Finder to refresh this amount without closing and opening the window?

Thanks for looking.

Model: G5 MacPro 2.7GHz, 4MB
AppleScript: 2.2.1
Browser: Firefox 3.0.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

Found it:

tell window “main” to update

Model: G5 MacPro 2.7GHz, 4MB
AppleScript: 2.2.1
Browser: Firefox 3.0.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)