I have a FileMaker Pro database that contains a script to generate a legend (client and job info etc) in Adobe Illustrator CS2 from the information in the database.
An Illustrator document is like a template with placeholder text and 8 swatches named Col 1, Col 2 etc. Path items are normally identified by a comment in the Attributes field (Col_swatch_1)
The information in the template is replaced by the information coming from FileMaker and the existing swatches are re-coloured based on the appropriate colour (this CMYK breakdown has already been looked up in a relational db in FMP). This seemed a lot easier than defining new swatches.
Originally, at the end of the script, a do Action (Delete unused palette items) deletes unused swatches from the palette. A bug in Illustrator prevents the new swatch names from displaying until the palette is refreshed in some way. Therefore I have added a step to the Action which sorts the swatch palette by name. Now all the Col 1 etc swatches display correctly.
The problem is having given this to our production team, people won’t necessarily have the action loaded, and it stalls the script (or leave it out and it doesn’t refresh the palette).
Cutting and pasting the new art also refreshes the swatches palette, but does not do away with unused swatches (and is a pretty clunky workaround). The term ‘Redraw’ doesn’t work.
I don’t have a refresh solution but since I script Illustrator (constantly it seems!) I will make a few suggestions.
Avoid using Actions within Scripts whenever possible. Unless you enjoy having to install / update / maintain the Actions on all of your production machines. Also, they are a bit hardcoded for most tasks and pure scripting allows for flexibility. I’m not saying, “Never use them.”, just avoid them when you can.
Instead of redefining the swatches, create them on the fly. Ideally your “template” will only have [Registration] with the balance of the colors being created as needed. This is a really trivial task and avoids the ‘refresh bug’ you’re experiencing.
I tend to harp on this but one more time… whenever possible (and it almost always IS possible!) stay away from System Events to autoClick buttons / select menu items / etc. Make it a very, very last resort. (Not that you are using them, just keeping you from temptation :P)
Thank you for your helpful advice. I had been using actions for various scripts, but it became apparent when the scripts are used by other people, them having the action is one extra thing to worry about!
I will revisit trying to generate the swatches one at a time as needed.
For CS1&2 you could edit the default files so you don’t have any colours except the ones you want to introduce. The files for this are located
Adobe Illustrator CS2/Plug-ins/Adobe Illustrator Startup_CMYK.ai
Adobe Illustrator CS2/Plug-ins/Adobe Illustrator Startup_RGB.ai
Run your action on these save and close.
You may need to quit and launch Illustrator.
Then you may not need a template either just create new doc on the fly.
Thanks for your input. I figured out how to create swatches as required. I still need a ‘template’ file, as the rest of the legend (of which there are 3 different variants) contains a lot of information and various logos. It also runs a little quicker now, for some reason. The only problem I have now is I need to merge an existing colour into one of the newly created spots. The merge swatches menu item is not part of the Illustrator dictionary. I’ll have to dig a little deeper.
I’ll see if I can post some of the code tomorrow when I am back at work.
Here is some of the code for your information: it is a little long winded, but I am still learning
tell application "Adobe Illustrator" to set mydocslist to (get name of every document)
repeat with i in mydocslist
set key_char to (characters 1 thru 20) of i as string
if key_char is equal to "MASTER COLSEP LEGEND" then
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
display dialog "Legend Template already open!" buttons {"Close"} default button {"Close"}
close (every document whose name begins with "MASTER COLSEP LEGEND") without saving
end tell
tell application "FileMaker Pro" to activate
exit repeat
end if
end try
end repeat
end try
set y to 1
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
open col_leg
repeat num_cols times
tell current document
set COLSWTCH to first path item whose note is "Col_Swatch_" & y
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
tell current record
get cell ("Colour " & y)
set Col_cell to ("PG " & the result)
get cell ("Col " & y & " C")
set ColC_cell to the result
get cell ("Col " & y & " M")
set ColM_cell to the result
get cell ("Col " & y & " Y")
set ColY_cell to the result
get cell ("Col " & y & " K")
set ColK_cell to the result
end tell
end tell
make new spot with properties {name:Col_cell, color:{class:CMYK color info, cyan:(ColC_cell), magenta:(ColM_cell), yellow:(ColY_cell), black:(ColK_cell)}, color type:spot color, class:spot}
on error
display dialog "Colour not in Library" with icon caution giving up after 2
set color type of spot Col_cell to spot color
set name of swatch (Col_cell) to ((Col_cell) & " X")
end try
set currSwatch to first swatch whose name is Col_cell
set myNewColor to color of currSwatch
set fill color of COLSWTCH to myNewColor
on error
set currSwatch to first swatch whose name is (Col_cell & " X")
set myNewColor to color of currSwatch
set fill color of COLSWTCH to myNewColor
end try
set COLSWTCH_txt to (first text frame whose contents is ("Col " & y) as text) as reference
set spot_name to (Col_cell) as text
set contents of COLSWTCH_txt to spot_name
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
tell current record
get cell ("dE " & y & " 1")
set dE100_cell to the result
if dE100_cell is equal to "" then
set dE100_cell to "N/A"
end if
get cell ("dE " & y & " 5")
set dE50_cell to the result
if dE50_cell is equal to "" then
set dE50_cell to "N/A"
end if
end tell
end tell
set deltaE_100 to (first text frame whose contents is "dE " & y & " 1") as reference
set deltaE_50 to (first text frame whose contents is "dE " & y & " 5") as reference
set LegRedSwatch to first swatch whose name is "Legend Red"
set myColor to color of LegRedSwatch
set contents of deltaE_100 to dE100_cell
if dE100_cell is not "N/A" then
if dE100_cell is greater than 2.5 then
set fill color of every character of deltaE_100 to myColor
end if
end if
set contents of deltaE_50 to dE50_cell
if dE50_cell is not "N/A" then
if dE50_cell is greater than 3.5 then
set fill color of every character of deltaE_50 to myColor
end if
end if
set y to y + 1
end tell
end repeat
tell current document
if num_cols is less than 8 then
set count_times to (num_cols + 1)
repeat (8 - num_cols) times
set dlt_layer to first layer whose name is ("Layer Col " & count_times)
delete dlt_layer
set count_times to (count_times + 1)
end repeat
end if
set PROJECT_NAME to (first text frame whose contents is "PROJECT NAME") as reference
set PROJECT_NUMBER to (first text frame whose contents is "PROJECT NO") as reference
set MANU_PLNT to (first text frame whose contents is "PLANT") as reference
set NO_REF to (first text frame whose contents is "REF") as reference
set TECH_DRAWG to (first text frame whose contents is "TECH DRAW") as reference
set JOB_NUMBER to (first text frame whose contents is "JOB NUMBER") as reference
set contents of PROJECT_NAME to Proj_name
set contents of PROJECT_NUMBER to Proj_numb
set contents of MANU_PLNT to Manu_plant
set contents of NO_REF to REF_numb
set contents of TECH_DRAWG to tech_draw
set contents of JOB_NUMBER to job_numb
end try
set w1 to (first text frame whose contents is Proj_name) as reference
if width of w1 is greater than 100 then
set width of w1 to 100
end if
set has selected artwork of (every layer) to true
move selection to first layer whose name is "Gate (CAGT)"
delete (every layer whose name contains "Col")
set selection to false
set xList to every swatch whose name contains ("X")
if xList is not equal to {} then
display dialog "Please colour up swatch(es) flagged with an 'X'... and enter dE values (if applicable)"
display dialog "...Done" buttons "OK" giving up after 2
end if
end tell
end tell
what is really bothering me now is that set fill color only works with individual path items, so i cannot apply a new fill colour to a compound path or group item. Grrr