Reload and save image script

Hi, I´m new to this, and I wonder:

I have a link to a webcam:
I need to reload that link and save the new image to a folder every minute.

I could ofcourse do it manually, but I need pics from every minute for 24 houres, so…

is it posible to make a script that can do that for me? :slight_smile:

hope someone can help or explane if it can be done :slight_smile:

thx a lot :slight_smile:

If you save this one as stay-open, it will do the job (after adjusting the path to your folder):

global cnt

set cnt to 0

on idle
     set cnt to cnt + 1
     do shell script "curl -o " & quoted form of ("/path/to/folder/pic" & cnt & ".jpg")
     return 60 --> seconds
end idle