removeItemAtPath:error: crashing

Has anyone experienced a crash calling the method removeItemAtPath_error_ with Xcode 4.6?
Here the simple code lines

        --  dst is the file path to the file to remove
	set localFileManager to (current application's NSFileManager's defaultManager())
        set {theresult, theError} to  localFileManager's removeItemAtPath_error_(dst, reference)

the following code does work.
After the first crash it keeps crashing until a thorough clean of the product.

        --  dst is the file path to the file to remove
	set localFileManager to (current application's NSFileManager's defaultManager())
        set {theresult, theError} to  localFileManager's removeItemAtPath_error_(dst, missing value)

Model: macbook Pro
Browser: Safari 536.25
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.8)

FWIW, it’s working as expected here…

Without garbage collection?
Under 10.8.xx.
With and without ARC?
In my environement it keeps crashing if i use the reference for the error parameter.

I only tested it with garbage collection – now I see what you mean. I suggest you log a bug report ASAP…

Hang on, I tried again with a new project, and it’s working fine, with or without ARC (although you probably should always use ARC if not using garbage collection). Does it log theError OK?

Hi Shane,

I started a new project with the following code:

script AppDelegate
	property parent : class "NSObject"
	on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
		-- Insert code here to initialize your application before any files are opened 
	end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
	on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
		-- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits 
		return current application's NSTerminateNow
	end applicationShouldTerminate_
	on testRemoveAtPath_(sender)
		set overwiteItem to true
		set src to "/Users/kader/Desktop/Test Hotfolder/OUT/TESTCOPY.JPG"
		set dst to "/Users/kader/Desktop/Test Hotfolder/OUT/TESTCOPY2.JPG"
		set localFileManager to (current application's NSFileManager's defaultManager())
		set itemExists to localFileManager's fileExistsAtPath_(dst)
		if  itemExists as boolean
			if overwiteItem
				set theresult to  localFileManager's removeItemAtPath_error_(dst, reference)
				log theresult

                                set theresult to localFileManager's copyItemAtPath_toPath_error_(src, dst, reference)
				log theresult
				-- leave as is
				log "leave as is"
			-- copy file to dst
			log "copy file"
			set theresult to localFileManager's copyItemAtPath_toPath_error_(src, dst, reference)
			log theresult
end script

I now suspect that the copyItemAtPath_toPath_error_ method is the problem.
If I comment these lines out then the code runs OK otherwise it crashes.

Here is the crash log :

0x7fff904ea080:  pushq  %rbp
0x7fff904ea081:  movq   %rsp, %rbp
0x7fff904ea084:  pushq  %rbx
0x7fff904ea085:  pushq  %rax
0x7fff904ea086:  movq   %rdi, %rbx
0x7fff904ea089:  testq  %rbx, %rbx
0x7fff904ea08c:  jne    0x7fff904ea0ae            ; CFRetain + 46
0x7fff904ea08e:  leaq   1620375(%rip), %rax       ; "*** CFRetain() called with NULL ***"
0x7fff904ea095:  movq   %rax, 2285484(%rip)       ; kd_block_encoder::encode(kdu_block*, bool, double, unsigned short) + 5612
0x7fff904ea09c:  int3   
0x7fff904ea09d:  callq  0x7fff90663930            ; symbol stub for: getpid
0x7fff904ea0a2:  movl   %eax, %edi
0x7fff904ea0a4:  movl   $9, %esi
0x7fff904ea0a9:  callq  0x7fff90663984            ; symbol stub for: kill
0x7fff904ea0ae:  testb  $1, %bl
0x7fff904ea0b1:  jne    0x7fff904ea101            ; CFRetain + 129
0x7fff904ea0b3:  movl   8(%rbx), %eax
0x7fff904ea0b6:  shrl   $8, %eax
0x7fff904ea0b9:  andl   $1023, %eax
0x7fff904ea0be:  movq   (%rbx), %rcx
0x7fff904ea0c1:  testq  %rcx, %rcx
0x7fff904ea0c4:  je     0x7fff904ea124            ; CFRetain + 164
0x7fff904ea0c6:  cmpq   2309995(%rip), %rcx       ; kd_create_dwt_description(int, int, kdu_params*, int, bool&, bool&, bool&, int&, kdu_kernel_step_info*&, float*&) + 1399
0x7fff904ea0cd:  je     0x7fff904ea124            ; CFRetain + 164
0x7fff904ea0cf:  leaq   2301786(%rip), %rdx       ; kd_block::retrieve_data(kdu_block*, int) + 542
0x7fff904ea0d6:  cmpq   (%rdx,%rax,8), %rcx
0x7fff904ea0da:  je     0x7fff904ea124            ; CFRetain + 164
0x7fff904ea0dc:  movq   2309965(%rip), %rax       ; kd_create_dwt_description(int, int, kdu_params*, int, bool&, bool&, bool&, int&, kdu_kernel_step_info*&, float*&) + 1391
0x7fff904ea0e3:  testq  %rax, %rax
0x7fff904ea0e6:  je     0x7fff904ea10b            ; CFRetain + 139
0x7fff904ea0e8:  movq   %rbx, %rdi
0x7fff904ea0eb:  callq  *%rax
0x7fff904ea0ed:  cmpb   $1, %al
0x7fff904ea0ef:  jne    0x7fff904ea10b            ; CFRetain + 139
0x7fff904ea0f1:  callq  0x7fff90663438            ; symbol stub for: objc_collectableZone
0x7fff904ea0f6:  movq   %rax, %rdi
0x7fff904ea0f9:  movq   %rbx, %rsi
0x7fff904ea0fc:  callq  0x7fff90662f76            ; symbol stub for: auto_zone_retain
0x7fff904ea101:  movq   %rbx, %rax
0x7fff904ea104:  addq   $8, %rsp
0x7fff904ea108:  popq   %rbx
0x7fff904ea109:  popq   %rbp
0x7fff904ea10a:  ret    
0x7fff904ea10b:  movq   2086174(%rip), %rax       ; Librarian.__TEXT.__eh_frame + 9744
0x7fff904ea112:  leaq   2086167(%rip), %rsi       ; Librarian.__TEXT.__eh_frame + 9744
0x7fff904ea119:  movq   %rbx, %rdi
0x7fff904ea11c:  addq   $8, %rsp
0x7fff904ea120:  popq   %rbx
0x7fff904ea121:  popq   %rbp
0x7fff904ea122:  jmpq   *%rax
0x7fff904ea124:  movq   %rbx, %rdi
0x7fff904ea127:  xorl   %esi, %esi
0x7fff904ea129:  addq   $8, %rsp
0x7fff904ea12d:  popq   %rbx
0x7fff904ea12e:  popq   %rbp
0x7fff904ea12f:  jmpq   0x7fff904ea140            ; _CFRetain
0x7fff904ea134:  nopw   %cs:(%rax,%rax)

I hope you can find something useful.
Thanks for the efforts.

Model: macbook Pro
Browser: Safari 536.25
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.8)

Was that with or without ARC?

Hi Shane,

This is the case in both situations.
I also remarked that the return result differs between runs:


“<Protocol: 0x7fff76558208>”

I wonder if the method is irrelevant, and that it’s a general problem with getting out values using reference. Thank goodness garbage collection still lives…

It’s a pity there is no consistency.
But that is what it is. For the moment i am trying to create a category on NSFilemanager to do the same thing.
Thanks Shane, knowing it does’t work is also a solution!

That’s so often the hallmark of memory management errors.

I have read that under ARC a release will be set for variables/methods starting with copy, init etc…like copyWriteVar.
Could that not be the problem that copyItemAtPath_toPath_error_ is crashing when reference is used?

It’s an interesting idea, but I’m not sure how that would relate to the reference part. Are you definite that it only happens with copy… methods?

No, i did not test other situations but the copAt… and removeAt…methods. I think there is something happening when the reference keyword is used. When using missing value instead then it’s ok, and that for more methods i think.
I have reported the bug to Apple, so i hope this will help.

FYI, it looks like Xcode 4.6 is also having other problems with ARC.