removing file extensions from a list

I have a script that produces a list of RTF files for a given folder and fills a pull down:

on loadFileList()
	--Load the list of files from the folder
	log "file List"
	tell application "Finder"
		-- need to make this only find RTF files
		set filePath to ((POSIX file defaultFilePath) as alias)
		set fileList to ((name of every file whose name contains ".RTF") of folder filePath as list)
	end tell
	--load the file list into the popup menu
	tell window "SelectWindow"
		--log "Item List"
		delete every menu item of menu of popup button "SelectFilePop"
		repeat with tmpItem in fileList
			make new menu item at the end of menu items of menu of popup button "SelectFilePop" with properties {name:tmpItem, title:tmpItem, enabled:true}
		end repeat
	end tell
end loadFileList

While this works, it would be prettier if the list didn’t have the file extensions. Does anyone know of a quick way to do this??


Model: MacBook Pro 17
AppleScript: XCode 2.4.1
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Hi dee,

this is only possible with a repeat loop

	set fileList to (name of every file whose name contains ".RTF") of folder filePath -- results a list anyway, so as list is no needed
	repeat with i in fileList
		set contents of i to text 1 thru ((offset of ".RTF" in i) - 1) of i
	end repeat
end tell

thanks, that worked
