Removing "\r" from an item in a list


I have a (tiny part of a) script making a list from “every paragraph” of a text file.
Doing so makes every list item to end with “\r” except for the last item/paragraph.
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this ending in the list item - either by using a different command to create the list or by removing the “\r” after the list has been created?
The “mother of the list”, the text file, contains one word for each paragraph, but some of the words contains a hyphen that makes applescript interpret it as two words.

This is the script:

set denmarkList to "Path:to:the:file.txt"
tell application "TextEdit"
	open alias denmarkList
	set nameListe to (every paragraph of front document)
	close front document
end tell


Try it this way.

 set denmarkList to "Path:to:the:file.txt" 
tell application "TextEdit"
	open alias denmarkList
	set nameListe to (text of front document)
	set x to every paragraph of nameListe
	close front document
end tell

That did the work! Tnx a lot! :slight_smile:
