removing the yellow button in all windows

Hello! is there a way of removing the yellow or red button in all windows from a specific applications. What I need is to avoid people from clossing or minimazing any of the windows in FileMaker ¿ is there a way for this??

Brian Donovan
Mexico City

Perhaps you could use Prefab UI Actions to install a listener in such buttons
A more simple approach, but CPU-intensive, would be checking periodically FileMaker’s window 1’s bounds, anything such as (following pseudo-code):

on idle
	tell app "FileMaker Pro"
		if not exists window "my database" then open blah...
		if bounds of window "my database" is not {x1,x2,y1,y2} then ¬
			set bounds of window "my database" to {x1,x2,y1,y2}
	end tell
	return 1
end idle