Hi Everybody,
I am newbie to script, I need a script it may be a droplet or choose file type or Folder Action, what ever it may be I want to do the script should Rename the file and move to the Host/Local Server.
Please do let me know if anyone aware of this…hope you people may rocks!!!..
These are the steps I want to do:
- Choose file type are “PDF” and “HTML” it should be multiple files. (If it is great both should be Zipped after rename but its a optional).
- Then get the info from the user add after the underscore “_” in the original file name the extension remains same. (For eg. 10-1234-1_C10.1.pdf")
- Then the renamed file should moved to the Host Server.
- If the Host server is not exist, show the alert and connect automatically get the login info from user.
- At the same time one copy should be move to local server the original file should be deleted after moved.
- Before move to the Host server, match the folder name between Host and original source folder if both matches then the file should be moved.
I have wrote a code as attached but it not works fine.
tell application "Finder"
choose file of type {"com.adobe.pdf"} with prompt "Choose the PDF"
set theFiles to result
set org to name of theFiles
set source_folder to (name of theFiles) as string
set file_path to (source_folder as string) as string
set file_name to file_path as string
set jobNumber to (characters 1 thru ((offset of "_" in file_name) - 1) of file_name) as text
set dt to current date
set m to month of dt as text
set m to text 1 thru 3 of m
set d to day of dt as text
set y to year of dt as text
set yr to text 3 thru 4 of y
set mydate to (d & "-" & m & "-" & yr) as text
set loginID to short user name of (system info)
-- We have to enter manually the Drop Cycle number
set cycle to display dialog "Enter the Cycle.Drop number (Only separated by Hyphen)" default answer "."
set the drop to the text returned of the result as string
-- Finder will change the file name
tell application "Finder" to set name of theFiles to (jobNumber & "_" & "C" & drop & ".pdf")
end tell
set x to name of theFiles as text
display alert x buttons {"Quit", "Continue"} default button 2
if button returned of result is "Continue" then
--To move the file with proper naming standard to the TRAINING server
tell application "Finder"
set mounted_Disks to list disks
--display dialog result as string
--set mounted_Disks to every disk whose (ejectable is true)
if mounted_Disks does not contain "Training" then
mount volume "afp://afp://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Training[b](Local Server[/b]" as user name "username" with password "password"
end if
set Train to mount volume "afp://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Training[b](Local Server[/b])"
end try
set dt to current date
set m to month of dt as text
set w to text of m
set m to text 1 thru 3 of m
set d to day of dt as text
set y to year of dt as text
set mymonth to (w & " " & "Files") as text
set mydate to (d & "-" & m & "-" & y) as text
set myyear to y as text
set sampleAudit to (("Training" as string) & "CHE" as alias)
set create_month to ((((sampleAudit as string) & myyear as alias) & mymonth as alias))
if (not (exists folder ((create_month as string) & (mydate as string)))) then
make folder at create_month with properties {name:mydate}
set mainFolder to ((Train as string) & "CHE" as alias)
set create_month to ((mainFolder as string) & mymonth as alias)
set targetFolder to ((create_month as string) & mydate as alias)
move theFiles to targetFolder
display alert "Copy of the file also moved in to the Training server"
set mainFolder to (("Training" as string) & "CHE" as alias)
set create_month to ((mainFolder as string) & mymonth as alias)
set targetFolder to ((create_month as string) & mydate as alias)
move theFiles to targetFolder
set ZZ to name of theFiles
set YY to modification date of the files of targetFolder
display alert "Copy of the file has been moved to the Local Training Server"
end if
end tell
--To move the file with proper naming standard to the HOST Server
tell application "System Events"
set UserName to name of current user
end tell
on error
set UserName to display dialog "Please enter your User ID." with icon note default answer "" giving up after 15
set UserName to text returned of UserName
end try
set mounted_Disks to list disks
if mounted_Disks does not contain "Training" then
with timeout of 3600 seconds
mount volume "afp://afp://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/[b](HOST Server[/b]" as user name UserName
end timeout
on error
set name of theFiles to org
error "You have canceled login."
--exit repeat
end try
end if
set TheServer to mount volume "aafp://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/[b](HOST Server[/b]"
end try
set step1 to ((TheServer as string) & "CHE" as alias)
set step2 to ((step1 as string) & "SUB Folder" as alias)
set step3 to ((step2 as string) & "PERIODIC DATE" as alias)
set destination to ((step2 as string) & loginID as alias)
move theFiles to destination
delete theFiles
set name of theFiles to org
display alert "Oops......your file name may be wrong please enter the correct Input again"
end if
--eject "ED_Transfer"