Rename files

I have tried to use wildcards in automator but apparently it dosnt handle wildcards, is there any way to make an applescript to handle wildcards?

I have dozens of files ex: “Staticname_xx_[xxxxxxxx].xxx” and i want to remove “_[xxxxxxxx]” so it goes “”
is there any way to do this in automator? if not how should i do it.

I dont know anything about applescript so a litte help would be great

Hi lymica,

Do a search on for “r-name”, it’s a free program which renames files. There are many programs out there which will do the same; some are free, some shareware, and some are commercial. A thorough search on should yield you some of them.

I hope this helps.


Variable as the shade

thanks i guess ill use that but i wanted the function in automator :frowning:

Hi lymica,

You know, now that I think about it, a search on this site–say in “Code Exchange” (using keyword “rename”, for example)–will probably return something satisfactory, as well. Give it a try, 'cause “You always miss one hundred percent of the shots that you don’t take!”

'hope this helps.


Variable as the shade